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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ General ➜ MUSHclient global prefs migrated from Registry to database

MUSHclient global prefs migrated from Registry to database

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Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #15 on Mon 23 Feb 2009 06:43 PM (UTC)

You are placing the prefs in the Start Menu?

Me? I'm placing the prefs file in the default startup location that Vista assigns a newly installed program. Maybe it is time to revisit the installer.


the location of the pref's db being specified either (a) on the command line

I was hoping the application would behave in a reasonable way without having to use command-line arguments. Although some optional behaviour could be done that way.


(b) in the world file itself

There is a chicken-and-egg situation here. It uses the global prefs to work out where the world files are stored.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Daesilme   USA  (2 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #16 on Mon 23 Feb 2009 08:55 PM (UTC)

There is a chicken-and-egg situation here. It uses the global prefs to work out where the world files are stored.

I could be remembering wrong, but I thought I could say:

MUSHClient.exe <WorldFile>

And it would open that world file, and thus be able to get the pref's DB.

But, now that I think about it, that's going to require custom shortcuts as well anyway (1 per MUD), so it's no different that changing the "Start in" portion, so...

Ignore me, I do. =)

Daesilme / Dan

Posted by Taneth111   (4 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #17 on Mon 13 Jul 2009 09:03 AM (UTC)
This might seem too late to post this, now that 4.41 is out, but the toolbar details are still stored in the registry (although someone already noted this). Is there any possible way to change this and save those details in the SQLlite file?

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #18 on Mon 13 Jul 2009 10:03 PM (UTC)

Amended on Mon 13 Jul 2009 10:06 PM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

It is fiddly to put the toolbar details into the SQLite database, as this stuff is done by internal libraries. However it was possible to make it not use the Registry. :-)

From version 4.42 onwards, the toolbar details, and the MRU list (Most Recently Used files) are now saved in a file called MUSHclient.INI in the same directory as the working directory when MUSHclient is invoked.

To do this, I had to remove the reference to setting "Gammon Software Solutions" as the Registry key for the program.

The only problem with this is trying to migrate from earlier versions, where people may have stored extensive settings in the Registry.

The sequence at startup is now:

  • Open a file MUSHclient.INI in the startup directory of MUSHclient - this will be used for the toolbar locations and MRU list.

  • Look for the global preferences database (mushclient_prefs.sqlite) in the startup directory.

  • If not found, look for the global preferences database (mushclient_prefs.sqlite) in the MUSHclient application directory.

  • If not found in either place, create the preferences database in the startup directory AND then set the Registry to use the "Gammon Software Solutions\MUSHclient" key to try to locate existing global preferences (created by earlier versions of MUSHclient). Then copy those preferences from the Registry to the SQLite database.

Thus the net effect is that the "Gammon Software Solutions\MUSHclient" Registry key will not be created provided it finds the SQLite global preferences database.

- Nick Gammon,

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