This is the MUSHclient "split" window. The MUD name will be in the title bar, the top area is used for showing MUD output, and the bottom part (below the splitter bar) is used for the command area (input to the MUD). You can resize the command area by placing the mouse over the splitter bar and moving it up or down.
Entering commands
You can only send commands to the MUD when the "focus" is in the lower (command) window. If the focus is there, you should see a flashing cursor (vertical bar), and what you type should appear in that window. If not, make sure that window is active (click on the title bar if necessary), and press the <tab> key. The <tab> key moves the focus from the upper window to the lower (command) window. You can also use the <esc> key to move the focus in this way. However be careful that if the focus is already in the command window, then pressing <esc> can (optionally) delete everything already typed into it.
If you have enabled "command stacking" in the command preferences, you can enter the command stack character to break a single line into multiple lines (eg. "west;up"). This effect can be temporarily disabled by entering the command stack character as the very first character (eg. ";say eat;sleep")
Editing commands
Commands are not transmitted to the MUD until you press <Enter>, so until that time, you can use the mouse, arrow keys, "home", or "end" keys to move the cursor around in the command area, editing and amending your input. You can also use the normal Windows copy (Ctrl+C), cut (Ctrl+X) and paste (Ctrl+V) commands to copy and paste text from inside MUSHclient or elsewhere.
Press Alt+Home to move the cursor to the start of the command window, and Alt+End to move to the end of it.
If you are typing script commands you can press Shift+Tab to complete a partially-typed inbuilt script function name.
Global change
If you need to make a "change all" in your command (perhaps changing every linefeed into the %r characters), then use the Global change function.
Recalling previously transmitted commands
Up to the last 5000 commands you entered (per world) are saved in an internal command history buffer. You can view this buffer at any time by pressing Ctrl+H (or select "Command History" from the Game menu). You can select (highlight) any previous command with the mouse and click the "recall" button to recall it to the command input area.
The exact number of commands that is retained is user-configurable.
Alternatively, you can recall recent commands by pressing Alt+Up-arrow to move upwards through the recent commands, or Alt+Down-arrow to move back downwards.
If you have checked the "arrow keys traverse history" box in the world configuration screen, you can review recent commands by pressing Up-arrow and Down-arrow without having to press the Alt key.
The history buffer does not record empty (blank) commands, or commands which are identical to the previous one.
You can use Ctrl+R to repeat the previous command.
Match on partial command
If you have the "Alt+Arrow Keys Recalls Partial Command" option set, then you can type a partial command (eg. "cast") and then press Alt+Up-arrow. The last command matching the partial command (in this case, "cast") will be displayed. Keep pressing Alt+Up-arrow to see earlier commands which also started with the same string.
Tab completion
This very useful feature lets you type a partial word, and then press TAB. The first word matching the partial word, searching backwards through the output window, will be used to complete the partial word. You can also specify your own list of words to be taken in advance of searching the output window.
For example, if you see:
A Dragonsnake sits here hissing!
You can type:
kill dra<tab>
You would then see the command window change to read:
kill Dragonsnake
If this is what you want, press ENTER. If not, press CTRL+Z (undo), then right-arrow once (to move past the selected word), and add a couple more letters. For example, if there was a "drain" and a "dragonsnake" nearby, then "dra" might match on "drain".
Reviewing output from the MUD
You can easily scroll backwards through recent output by pressing "Page-Up" or "Page-Down" to scroll the display buffer forwards and backwards. You can also use:
CTRL+HOME Go to start of display buffer
CTRL+END Go to end of display buffer
CTRL+UP-ARROW Go up one line
CTRL+DOWN-ARROW Go down one line
CTRL+PAGE-UP Go upwards one screenfull
CTRL+PAGE-DOWN Go downwards one screenfull
Pausing output
If you have an interesting message that you are trying to read, but can't because recent output is causing the screen to keep scrolling, you can temporarily "pause" the output by pressing:
Although new output will be received and processed (and triggers acted upon), the display buffer will not scroll automatically, until you un-pause it by pressing Ctrl+Space again.
Resizing the window
You can resize the MUSH window in the usual way, but please note that the display area is fixed to show a certain number columns of output per line. This number is fixed in the "Output" tab of the world configuration screen.
Changing the display and command font
You can change the font (typeface) being used in the display and command area, on a per-world basis, by using the "World Configuration" menu item from the "Game" menu (or pressing Ctrl+G), and then selecting the "Screen" tab. Click on the "Font" button and choose your desired font and size. (In general, monospaced fonts (eg. Courier) will work better than proportionally spaced fonts, because many displays [eg. WHO lists] are designed to be displayed with a monospaced font).
Once you have closed the " World Configuration" dialog box, the font chosen will the used to display the output, and for command input, for the chosen world. This will only become permanent if you save the world details (File > Save).
Contents of status line
The status line shows (for the current world):
Pause status (double-click to pause/unpause)
MUD name (click to select a different open world)
Time connected (double-click to reset to zero)
Number of lines received (double-click to go to a line by number)
If you have paused output by pressing CTRL+SPACE, then the word "PAUSE" appears to warn you that new output will not automatically appear. However if you have scrolled backwards through your output buffer the word "PAUSE" is replaced by "MORE" to warn you that you are not at the end of the output window.
Logging status
If output is being logged, then the word "LOG" will appear to confirm that logging is on.
Caps lock
If you have "caps lock" on then the words "CAP" will appear to confirm this.
Switching world windows
You can switch between multiple open worlds by simply typing Ctrl+Tab, or in the case of the first 10 opened worlds Ctrl+1 (for world 1), Ctrl+2 (for world 2), and so on.
See Also ... Topics
Activity window
Chat system
Getting started
Program features
Speed walking
(Help topic: dialog=IDR_MUSHCLTYPE)