Script function
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Gets the list of world options
VARIANT GetOptionList();
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Returns a variant array which is a list of all options that you can get with GetOption or set with SetOption.
The examples show extracting all option names, and their values.
The option names should be reasonably self-explanatory.
VBscript example
For Each opt In world.GetOptionList
world.note opt + " = " + cstr (world.GetOption ( opt ))
Jscript example
optionlist = new VBArray(world.GetOptionList()).toArray();
for (i = 0; i < optionlist .length; i++)
world.note(optionlist [i] + " = " + world.GetOption (optionlist [i] ));
PerlScript example
foreach $item (Win32::OLE::in ($world->GetOptionList))
$world->note($item . " = " . $world->GetOption($item));
Python example
for opt in world.GetOptionList: world.Note (opt)
Lua example
for k, v in pairs (GetOptionList()) do
Note (v, " = ", GetOption (v))
Return value
It returns a variant array containing the names of all the options. Use "ubound" to find the number of options in the list. You can then use "GetOption" to return the value for that particular option, or "SetOption" to set that option value.
See Also ...
Option setting and retrieval
(GetAlphaOption) Gets the value of an alphanumeric configuration option
(GetAlphaOptionList) Gets the list of world alphanumeric options
(GetCurrentValue) Gets the current value of a named world option
(GetDefaultValue) Gets the default value of a named world option
(GetGlobalOption) Gets the value of a global configuration option
(GetGlobalOptionList) Gets the list of global options
(GetLoadedValue) Gets value of a named world option, as loaded from the world file
(GetOption) Gets value of a named world option
(SetAlphaOption) Sets value of a named world alphanumeric option
(SetInputFont) Sets the font for the input window
(SetOption) Sets value of a named world option
(SetOutputFont) Sets the font for the output window.
(Help topic: function=GetOptionList)