Script function
Read about scripting
Sets the background colour for the info bar
void InfoBackground(BSTR Name);
View list of data type meanings
Sets the backkground colour for the info bar. Because of the way the info bar is implemented (as a RichEdit control) the entire background colour is changed. You cannot change the background for individual parts of the bar.
The colours can either be named (eg. "red", "blue", "green", "brown") or supplied as HTML colour codes (eg. "#010203"). For HTML colours, the leading "#" is required.
The list of colour names recognised can be found by using MUSHclient's "colour picker" (Ctrl+Alt+P), or by using the function:
world.Debug "colours"
Available in MUSHclient version 3.29 onwards.
VBscript example
world.InfoBackground "red"
Jscript example
world.InfoBackground ("red");
PerlScript example
$world->InfoBackground ("red");
Python example
world.InfoBackground ("red")
Lua example
InfoBackground ("red")
Return value
See Also ...
Info bar - programmable information bar
(Info) Adds text to the "info" tool bar
(InfoClear) Clears all text from the info bar
(InfoColour) Sets the colour of the foreground (text color) for the info bar
(InfoFont) Changes the font, font size and style for text on the info bar
(SetStatus) Sets the status line text
(ShowInfoBar) Shows or hides the "info" tool bar
(Help topic: function=InfoBackground)