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Returns information about an image


VARIANT WindowImageInfo(BSTR WindowName, BSTR ImageId, long InfoType);

View list of data type meanings


This returns information about a loaded image. You need to specify the name of the miniwindow, and the image id you used when loading the image.

WindowName - the name of an existing miniwindow.

ImageId - the image id you used when you loaded the image.

InfoType - the information you want:

1: Type - Specifies the bitmap type.

2: Width - Specifies the width, in pixels, of the bitmap.

3: Height - Specifies the height, in pixels, of the bitmap.

4: WidthBytes - Specifies the number of bytes in each scan line.

5: Planes - Specifies the count of color planes.

6: BitsPixel - Specifies the number of bits required to indicate the color of a pixel.

For more information, see:

Available in MUSHclient version 4.34 onwards.

Lua example

WindowImageInfo(win, "im1", 6)

Lua notes

Lua returns nil instead of a NULL or EMPTY variant.

Return value

The specified information about the image, as described above.
An EMPTY variant, if the image does not exist.
A NULL variant if the InfoType is not a valid type.

See Also ...




(GetDeviceCaps) Gets screen device capabilities
(SetCursor) Changes the shape of the mouse cursor
(TextRectangle) Specifies the size of the rectangle in which text is displayed in the output window.
(WindowAddHotspot) Adds a hotspot to a miniwindow
(WindowArc) Draws an arc in a miniwindow
(WindowBezier) Draws a Bézier curve in a miniwindow
(WindowBlendImage) Blends an image into a miniwindow, using a specified blending mode
(WindowCircleOp) Draws ellipses, filled rectangles, round rectangles, chords, pies in a miniwindow
(WindowCreate) Creates a miniwindow
(WindowCreateImage) Creates an image in a miniwindow
(WindowDelete) Deletes a miniwindow
(WindowDeleteAllHotspots) Deletes all hotspots from a miniwindow
(WindowDeleteHotspot) Deletes a hotspot from a miniwindow
(WindowDragHandler) Adds a drag handler to a miniwindow hotspot
(WindowDrawImage) Draws an image into a miniwindow
(WindowDrawImageAlpha) Draws an image into a miniwindow respecting the alpha channel
(WindowFilter) Performs a filtering operation over part of the miniwindow.
(WindowFont) Loads a font into a miniwindow
(WindowFontInfo) Returns information about a font
(WindowFontList) Lists all fonts loaded into a miniwindow
(WindowGetImageAlpha) Draws the alpha channel of an image into a miniwindow
(WindowGetPixel) Gets the colour of a single pixel in a miniwindow
(WindowGradient) Draws a gradient in a rectangle
(WindowHotspotInfo) Returns information about a hotspot
(WindowHotspotList) Lists all hotspots installed into a miniwindow
(WindowHotspotTooltip) Changes the tooltip text for a hotspot in a miniwindow
(WindowImageFromWindow) Creates an image from another miniwindow
(WindowImageList) Lists all images installed into a miniwindow
(WindowImageOp) Draws an ellipse, rectangle or round rectangle, filled with an image
(WindowInfo) Returns information about a miniwindow
(WindowLine) Draws a line in a miniwindow
(WindowList) Lists all miniwindows
(WindowLoadImage) Loads an image into a miniwindow from a disk file
(WindowMenu) Creates a pop-up menu inside a miniwindow
(WindowMergeImageAlpha) Merges an image into a miniwindow based on an alpha mask
(WindowMoveHotspot) Moves a hotspot in a miniwindow
(WindowPolygon) Draws a polygon in a miniwindow
(WindowPosition) Moves a miniwindow
(WindowRectOp) Draws a rectangle in a miniwindow
(WindowResize) Resizes a miniwindow
(WindowScrollwheelHandler) Adds a scroll-wheel handler to a miniwindow hotspot
(WindowSetPixel) Sets a single pixel in a miniwindow to the specified colour
(WindowSetZOrder) Sets the Z-Order for a miniwindow
(WindowShow) Shows or hides a miniwindow
(WindowText) Draws text into a miniwindow
(WindowTextWidth) Calculates the width of text in a miniwindow
(WindowTransformImage) Draws an image into a miniwindow with optional rotation, scaling, reflection and shearing
(WindowWrite) Writes the contents of a miniwindow to disk as a graphics file

(Help topic: function=WindowImageInfo)

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