Outputs debugging information to stdout
lpeg.print (pattern)
Sends debugging information to stdout.
This is not particularly easy to capture in a GUI application. To see it you could execute MUSHclient from the command line, like this:
mushclient.exe > lpeg_output.txt
Then inside MUSHclient use lpeg.print to print a pattern. Close MUSHclient and the file lpeg_output.txt should contain the debugging information.
For example:
00: char 'a'-> FAIL
01: set [(61-7a)]-> FAIL
10: end
See Also ...
Lua functions
lpeg.B - Matches patt n characters behind the current position, consuming no input
lpeg.C - Creates a simple capture
lpeg.Carg - Creates an argument capture
lpeg.Cb - Creates a back capture
lpeg.Cc - Creates a constant capture
lpeg.Cf - Creates a fold capture
lpeg.Cg - Creates a group capture
lpeg.Cmt - Creates a match-time capture
lpeg.Cp - Creates a position capture
lpeg.Cs - Creates a substitution capture
lpeg.Ct - Creates a table capture
lpeg.locale - Returns a table of patterns matching the current locale
lpeg.match - Matches a pattern against a string
lpeg.P - Converts a value into a pattern
lpeg.R - Returns a pattern that matches a range of characters
lpeg.S - Returns a pattern that matches a set of characters
lpeg.setmaxstack - Sets the maximum size for the backtrack stack
lpeg.type - Tests if a value is a pattern
lpeg.V - Creates a non-terminal variable for a grammar
lpeg.version - Returns the LPeg version
Lua bc (big number) functions
Lua bit manipulation functions
Lua LPEG library
Lua package functions
Lua PCRE regular expression functions
Lua script extensions
Lua string functions
Lua syntax
Lua table functions
Lua utilities
Regular Expressions
Scripting callbacks - plugins
(Help topic: lua=lpeg.print)