You can obtain one of 26 "types" of information about the timer by specifying an "InfoType". The possible InfoTypes are:
1: The hour (short)
2: The minute (short)
3: The second (short)
4: What to send (string)
5: Script procedure name (string)
6: Enabled (boolean)
7: One shot timer (boolean)
8: "At" timer (if false, timer fires "every" hour/minute/second) (boolean)
9: Invocation count (long)
10: Times matched (long)
11: Date/time timer last fired (or was reset) (date)
12: Date/time timer will fire next (date)
13: Number of seconds until timer will fire next or zero if it is due to fire immediately (this might happen if the timer is due to fire but is disabled). (double)
14: 'temporary' flag (boolean)
15: 'speed walk' flag (boolean)
16: 'note' flag (boolean)
17: 'active when disconnected' flag (boolean)
18: Timer was included from an include file (boolean)
19: Group name (string)
20: Send-to location (long)
21: User option value (long)
22: Timer label (string)
23: 'Omit from output' flag (boolean)
24: 'Omit from log file' flag (boolean)
25: 'Executing-script' flag (boolean)
26: Script is valid flag (boolean)
The word in brackets indicates the "type" of data returned.
String: a character string (eg. "north")
Boolean: TRUE or FALSE
Long: a 32-bit number
The field "invocation count" is a count of how many times the script routine was called.
The field "times matched" is a count of how many times the timer matched. These two would normally be the same, unless scripting was disabled, or there was an error in the script file.
The meanings of the "send-to" field are:
0: World
1: Command window
2: Output window
3: Status line
4: Notepad (new)
5: Notepad (append)
6: Log File
7: Notepad (replace)
8: Command queue
9: Send To Variable
10: Execute (re-parse as command)
11: Speedwalk (send text is speedwalk, queue it)
12: Script (send to script engine)
13: Immediate (send to world in front of speedwalk queue)
14: Script - after omit
If the named timer does not exist, EMPTY is returned. If the name given is invalid, NULL is returned. If the InfoType given is out of range, NULL is returned. (Use "IsEmpty" and "IsNull" to test for these possibilities).
See AddTimer for a description of the meanings of the fields.
Lua returns nil where applicable instead of an "empty variant" or "null variant".
The "SendTo" field can be looked up using the "sendto" table in the Lua global address space, as follows: = 0
sendto.command = 1
sendto.output = 2
sendto.status = 3
sendto.notepad = 4
sendto.notepadappend = 5
sendto.logfile = 6
sendto.notepadreplace = 7
sendto.commandqueue = 8
sendto.variable = 9
sendto.execute = 10
sendto.speedwalk = 11
sendto.script = 12
sendto.immediate = 13
sendto.scriptafteromit = 14
The specified information about the timer, as described above.
An EMPTY variant, if the timer does not exist.
A NULL variant if the timer name is invalid.
A NULL variant if the InfoType is not a valid type.