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➜ Materia Magica Mapper bug
Materia Magica Mapper bug
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Posted by
| Toskin
Czech Republic (6 posts) Bio
| Sun 12 Oct 2014 09:49 AM (UTC) |
| Found another bug, while trying to start mapper on awakened worlds MUD. Here is output:
[string "Plugin"]:731: table rooms has no column named shop
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
[string "Plugin"]:619: in function 'dbcheck'
[string "Plugin"]:731: in function 'create_tables'
[string "Plugin"]:501: in function <[string "Plugin"]:471>
I don't know what to do with this. Any suggestions ? |
Tell me what, but EXACTLY WHAT is MUD ! :D | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #1 on Sun 12 Oct 2014 07:55 PM (UTC) Amended on Sun 12 Oct 2014 07:56 PM (UTC) by Nick Gammon
| What version of that plugin do you have? Open it with a text editor like Notepad and check the first few lines. They should look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE muclient [
<!ENTITY show_vnums "true" >
<!ENTITY show_timing "false" >
<!ENTITY show_completed "false" >
<!ENTITY show_database_mods "true" >
<!ENTITY show_other_areas "false" >
<!ENTITY show_area_exits "false" >
<!ENTITY show_up_down "true" >
<!ENTITY speedwalk_prefix "" >
author="Nick Gammon"
purpose="Mapper for Materia Magica"
date_modified="2010-10-18 07:05"
And what version of MUSHclient?
![Template:version](/images/mushclient_logo_tiny.png) |
Please help us by advising the version of MUSHclient you are using. Use the Help menu -> About MUSHclient.
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Toskin
Czech Republic (6 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Mon 13 Oct 2014 03:06 PM (UTC) |
| So, about version of plugin:
date_modified="2010-10-18 07:05"
It's newest version on Github.
About client version, I have MUSH v 4.94. |
Tell me what, but EXACTLY WHAT is MUD ! :D | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #3 on Mon 13 Oct 2014 07:50 PM (UTC) |
| I can't see why it is doing that because it should have a shop column.
I installed the plugin just then and didn't get an error message.
Can you find the name of any existing database? Go into Immediate scripting (Ctrl+I) and type:
print(GetInfo (66) .. Trim (WorldAddress ()) .. "_" .. WorldPort () .. ".db")
Then hit Run.
Then find that file in your MUSHclient folder and delete it. Then reinstall the plugin. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Toskin
Czech Republic (6 posts) Bio
| Reply #4 on Tue 14 Oct 2014 07:16 PM (UTC) Amended on Tue 14 Oct 2014 07:38 PM (UTC) by Toskin
| Maybe I found my problem:
Looks like that after migrating from old computer, MUSH somehow saves his files into that folder, rather in Program Files/MUSHclient.
I will try to reinstall MUSH after complete cleanup.
P.S. Didn't helped. After adding world files and plugin files(materia magica + few discworld plugins), MUSH behaves in same manner as before. I haven't copied any config files for global settings.
P.P.S. After another reinstall, I have loaded only awakened worlds and plugins. For some reason, plugin loaded without problems. Still, It is not detecting any movement or look command. |
Tell me what, but EXACTLY WHAT is MUD ! :D | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #5 on Wed 15 Oct 2014 02:18 AM (UTC) |
| As I recall, this plugin detects movement by matching on room descriptions and exits. Did you type:
The output should look like what I showed on the page about the mapper, otherwise it probably won't notice you moving around: |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Toskin
Czech Republic (6 posts) Bio
| Reply #6 on Wed 15 Oct 2014 07:57 AM (UTC) |
Nick Gammon said:
As I recall, this plugin detects movement by matching on room descriptions and exits. Did you type:
The output should look like what I showed on the page about the mapper, otherwise it probably won't notice you moving around:
Thanks for advice about exits.
About previous reply, I apologize for LOTS of mess. After digging in my PC, I found out that database, world and config files are in totally different location then rest of program (even unistall with CCleaner weren't able to delete them, probably win 8 "feature") After cleaning, plugin was installed without problems. |
Tell me what, but EXACTLY WHAT is MUD ! :D | Top |
Posted by
| Toskin
Czech Republic (6 posts) Bio
| Reply #7 on Wed 15 Oct 2014 04:15 PM (UTC) |
Nick Gammon said:
As I recall, this plugin detects movement by matching on room descriptions and exits. Did you type:
The output should look like what I showed on the page about the mapper, otherwise it probably won't notice you moving around:
Tried, but Awakened worlds refuses this type of command. It just not extist for this. but on the other hand, shouldn't have MM mapper handle this ?:
In the Lobby of the Neophyte Guild
You've finally finished the Neophyte Guild! In the Lobby area of the
Neophyte Guild, there are a few people to the EAST that need some jobs done.
Maybe you should talk to them.
Obvious exits:
North - Entrance to the Neophyte Guild
Ne - Shadowland: In-Character Message Board
East - Ricky's Eatery
South - The Neophyte Guild Store
Sw - The Salvation Army
Nw - The Neophyte Hotel
10/10 HP 10/10 MP 2113 Nuyen 24.25/80 Kg
This is what I get when I write down look command. |
Tell me what, but EXACTLY WHAT is MUD ! :D | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #8 on Wed 15 Oct 2014 09:57 PM (UTC) |
Toskin said:
Tried, but Awakened worlds refuses this type of command. It just not extist for this. but on the other hand, shouldn't have MM mapper handle this ?:
Well, no it shouldn't. The mapper is for Materia Magica, not Awakened Worlds.
The way the mapper works is that it has to "know" when you have entered a new room (it does this by a trigger) and also to tell one room from another one. It does this by hashing up the room description to get a unique "ID" for the room.
Now certainly it should work on other MUDs but you need to set up a trigger that matches when you go into a room, and try to turn that room description into a hash. For example if you detected:
In the Lobby of the Neophyte Guild
You've finally finished the Neophyte Guild! In the Lobby area of the
Neophyte Guild, there are a few people to the EAST that need some jobs done.
Maybe you should talk to them.
Hash that up and use that as the room ID. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Toskin
Czech Republic (6 posts) Bio
| Reply #9 on Thu 16 Oct 2014 06:28 AM (UTC) |
Nick Gammon said:
Toskin said:
Tried, but Awakened worlds refuses this type of command. It just not extist for this. but on the other hand, shouldn't have MM mapper handle this ?:
Well, no it shouldn't. The mapper is for Materia Magica, not Awakened Worlds.
The way the mapper works is that it has to "know" when you have entered a new room (it does this by a trigger) and also to tell one room from another one. It does this by hashing up the room description to get a unique "ID" for the room.
Now certainly it should work on other MUDs but you need to set up a trigger that matches when you go into a room, and try to turn that room description into a hash. For example if you detected:
In the Lobby of the Neophyte Guild
You've finally finished the Neophyte Guild! In the Lobby area of the
Neophyte Guild, there are a few people to the EAST that need some jobs done.
Maybe you should talk to them.
Hash that up and use that as the room ID.
I have not much experience with scripting, so I have no idea how to make that hashing script. |
Tell me what, but EXACTLY WHAT is MUD ! :D | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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