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➜ Triggering based on Note from last trigger
Triggering based on Note from last trigger
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Posted by
| Tspivey
Canada (54 posts) Bio
| Sun 11 Jan 2009 11:41 PM (UTC) |
| I'm running up against a problem. I have one trigger that modifies a line,
and I want to match all of the other triggers off of that one.
So the first trigger would fire, omit the line, and Note() another line. I want
another trigger to match on the line that the first one Note()-ed. Is this possible? | Top |
Posted by
| WillFa
USA (525 posts) Bio
| Reply #1 on Mon 12 Jan 2009 12:30 AM (UTC) |
| Nope. But if you're scripting anyway to do the note, why not just call the other triggers functions? | Top |
Posted by
| Shadowfyr
USA (1,790 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Mon 12 Jan 2009 03:11 PM (UTC) |
| Well, actually, there is a way, but it has limitations. He could use "Simulate" instead of Note, but that means inserting colors and things like that as Ansi sequences, or MXP codes (if enabled), since it will be handles the resulting line as though it was being sent via the mud, not just displayed as a note.
If the triggers he has are not functions, but just simple, "do this in reaction to that", such that they also hit lines he isn't changing, then there are not going to be any other "functions" to call anyway, so using the simulation function would be a lot better. | Top |
Posted by
| Onoitsu2
USA (248 posts) Bio
| Reply #3 on Tue 13 Jan 2009 05:49 AM (UTC) |
| As for the similation method, I prefer using this for reasons of omitting output from the server, and then altering it to an easier to trigger upon form, or just simply easier to read form.
-Onoitsu2 | Top |
Posted by
| Shadowfyr
USA (1,790 posts) Bio
| Reply #4 on Tue 13 Jan 2009 08:44 PM (UTC) |
| Precisely, and since its not clear what he is doing, having no examples, its hard to say if it would be easier to modify the line, then match via simulate, or to mod the line, then call other things at the same time, which might require complex matching, better handled by the trigger system. ;) | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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