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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ Plugins ➜ Regexp trigger for Mapper

Regexp trigger for Mapper

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Posted by Lmclarke   (26 posts)  Bio
Date Tue 04 Oct 2016 04:10 PM (UTC)
I'm struggling to wrap my mind around a trigger that will properly process the room display for the MUD I play.

Some background: I'm attempting to make the Mapper work with The Inquisition: Legacy. We sadly do not have room numbers available to work with.

I have read the information here, but it's just not sinking into my brain at all.

The way rooms display is as follows:

The Royal Parlour
  Polished rosewood paneling lines the walls of this spacious and elegant
parlour.  Though it is somewhat more modest than expected, particular
attention has been paid to the quality of materials in its decoration,
providing a rich, but subtle atmosphere that compliments the rest of the
Town Hall.  A large hearth occupies the room's eastern wall, while solid
bronze candle holders line the perimeter of the room at regular intervals. 
Along the south wall is a set of four large, floor-to-ceiling windows, each
curtained with silver-on-midnight brocade curtains.  On the room's western
wall, one single, large panel has been fitted into its centre and painted
the crest of House ab Samael: a silver-painted hawk displayed upon a
black-and-silver chequered field.  A single door leads back into the
central balcony. 

In the last year:
(The room is cool as befits the time of year and has the neatness of a place
only recently occuppied, rather any sense of being 'lived in'. )

[ Exits: north ] [ Air exits: none ]

Looking at that, I believe what I need is for the trigger to match: roomname, weather, roomdesc, moodtimer, mood, exits, airexits.

Airexits shouldn't be processed by the mapper -- they shouldn't be included in the map for display.

Any input on this would be wonderful.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #1 on Tue 04 Oct 2016 08:01 PM (UTC)
Check out this for getting started:

If that doesn't help please post what you have tried so far.

- Nick Gammon,

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