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MUSHclient generic graphical mapper module

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Posted by Gorion   (5 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #210 on Tue 22 Nov 2011 09:01 AM (UTC)
Hello everyone,

I am a long time mudder, long time mush-client user, but trying for the first time to implement this mapper. I don't seem to be having much luck. It might be due to the fact that the first post of this thread I am unable to understand. I.e. how do I exactly get the plug in working and installed? I see a download button on the first post but it is a block of code and so I imagine I have to put it somewhere (but where and how? then how do I load it on???).

I will tell you the steps I did to get to my current state:
-Install mushclient 4.73
-Open mushclient 4.73
-Open premade world (in my case 10000
-Click on File --> Plugins --> Add --> ATCP_Mapper & ATCP_NJG
(both are made by Nick Gammon, Lua language, in Mushclient\worlds\plugin\ both enabled and mapper version 1.6, NJG at version 1.0
-Once installed I get the message on mush client saying:

"MUSHclient mapper installed, version 2.5
Added plugin I:\MUSHclient\worlds\plugins\ATCP_Mapper.xml
Plugin 'ATCP_NJG' not installed. Attempting to install it...

I can then see a green box with the words in the middle that read:

"Mushclient mapper version 2.5 written by Nick Gammon Merentha"

-I move north/south from my starting location but that green box/screen does not change.

I am not sure if I am missing something (meant to tinker with the code, add certain things or what not?) but I am stuck at this point. Note that those plugins were already in my mushclient folder (i.e. I deleted mushclient from my computer, started a fresh install and they were there from the beginning).

Also not sure if the mud is even compatible with this mapper (not sure how I can figure out if it is compatible or not).

Sorry for all the basic questions, unable to find a solution anywhere. :(

Hope anyone can help.

Kind regards,

Posted by KaVir   Germany  (117 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #211 on Tue 22 Nov 2011 09:52 AM (UTC)
Gorion said:
-Click on File --> Plugins --> Add --> ATCP_Mapper & ATCP_NJG

Your mud doesn't support ATCP.

I know other people have got a version of the mapper working without ATCP, using alternative methods to uniquely identify rooms, but from the names of the above plugins I'd guess they were specifically designed to use ATCP.

Posted by Gorion   (5 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #212 on Wed 23 Nov 2011 09:42 AM (UTC)
KaVir said:

Gorion said:
-Click on File --> Plugins --> Add --> ATCP_Mapper & ATCP_NJG

Your mud doesn't support ATCP.

I know other people have got a version of the mapper working without ATCP, using alternative methods to uniquely identify rooms, but from the names of the above plugins I'd guess they were specifically designed to use ATCP.

Ahh fair enough. Thanks for the explanation. :)

But is the ATCP plug in mapper the same as the one in this thread (I ask because I am not sure if mushclient comes in with this mapper or it is a different one from the one described here).


Posted by Fiendish   USA  (2,534 posts)  Bio   Global Moderator
Date Reply #213 on Wed 23 Nov 2011 03:20 PM (UTC)

Amended on Wed 23 Nov 2011 03:21 PM (UTC) by Fiendish

Gorion said:

But is the ATCP plug in mapper the same as the one in this thread

You want the Materia Magica mapper thread. That one's modified for games that don't support ATCP/GMCP. You'll want to search around the forums a bit to find threads where people get help modifying it for their MUD.

Posted by Gorion   (5 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #214 on Fri 25 Nov 2011 07:05 AM (UTC)
Fiendish said:

Gorion said:

But is the ATCP plug in mapper the same as the one in this thread

You want the Materia Magica mapper thread. That one's modified for games that don't support ATCP/GMCP. You'll want to search around the forums a bit to find threads where people get help modifying it for their MUD.

Ah sadly I tried installing that plug in as well but still no luck. I will post more info on that link though, thanks for showing it to me (will need to investigate other parts of the forum as you said though). :)

Posted by Music48384   (1 post)  Bio
Date Reply #215 on Mon 26 Dec 2011 07:36 PM (UTC)

Amended on Mon 26 Dec 2011 10:58 PM (UTC) by Music48384

Is there any possible way to make a trigger that captures the search string information?

For example I type "mapper find imperial dining room"

Found 1 target matching '%imperial dining room%'.
+------------------------------ START OF SEARCH -------------------------------+
Imperial Dining Room (Hotel Orlando) (30335) - 2 rooms away
+-------------------------------- END OF SEARCH -------------------------------+

Imperial Dining Room (Hotel Orlando) (30335) - 2 rooms away

I want to make a trigger to recognize that line , how can this be done? More specifically I want to make a trigger that runs to that room when it sees that text.

Posted by Fiendish   USA  (2,534 posts)  Bio   Global Moderator
Date Reply #216 on Tue 27 Dec 2011 02:57 AM (UTC)
What do you expect to happen if there is more than one found result?

In any case, since it looks like you're asking about the Aardwolf mapper and not the generic graphical module, just use 'mapper next' to go to the next found result.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #217 on Tue 27 Dec 2011 04:56 AM (UTC)
Something like this:

   match="goto *"
  <send>mapper find %1
mapper next</send>

Template:pasting For advice on how to copy the above, and paste it into MUSHclient, please see Pasting XML.

That does a "mapper find <wherever>" followed by a "mapper next".

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Shakey   (1 post)  Bio
Date Reply #218 on Mon 12 Mar 2012 09:47 PM (UTC)
Where do I get ATCP_NJG?

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #219 on Tue 13 Mar 2012 04:28 AM (UTC)
It's part of the MUSHclient install.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nylian   (12 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #220 on Wed 13 Jun 2012 05:09 PM (UTC)

Amended on Wed 13 Jun 2012 10:08 PM (UTC) by Nylian

Nick Gammon said:

Right. I have done a simple plugin (below) which illustrates integrating the mapper into a MUD which does NOT use telnet negotiation....


I am trying to get this mapper to work with a MUD I am helping to develop, currently I'm trying to get it to work in our beta environment.

I think I just need to adjust the triggers, but I don't know how to identify what I need to change, and what I need it to trigger on. Any help that could be provided would be invaluable.

Here is a screenshot of what we have to work with

Here's the code for triggers only:

<!--  Triggers  -->


   match="Obvious exits are:*"

Posted by Fiendish   USA  (2,534 posts)  Bio   Global Moderator
Date Reply #221 on Thu 14 Jun 2012 12:07 AM (UTC)
Nylian said:
I am trying to get this mapper to work with a MUD I am helping to develop

If you're developing a new MUD, why not add in GMCP support?

Posted by Nylian   (12 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #222 on Thu 14 Jun 2012 06:57 PM (UTC)
Fiendish said:

If you're developing a new MUD, why not add in GMCP support?

Thanks for the suggestion (I have already mentioned this to the chief).

I am not doing that level of coding, or any coding at the moment for that matter, that's up to the head code monkey. I'm doing things at a much simpler level.

Regardless of what becomes of the MUD, I would still like to know how to adapt this to the screenshot provided.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #223 on Thu 14 Jun 2012 09:04 PM (UTC)
If you are developing the MUD, you an either do it the very easy way, or the very tedious and unreliable way. Guess which one I would recommend?

The easy way, as Fiendish suggested, is to add some extra protocol (it could be GMCP) which sends down, at the very least, what room you are in (as in, internal room number). Uniquely identifying each room is the most important thing for a mapper. More simply than GMCP, just use telnet subnegotiation to send down a simple sequence (eg. "room=1234").

But really, just send GMCP. Then you have mappers "off the shelf" already written, or if you want to look different, customize one that is already written.

If you don't, then you have to try to detect unique rooms by finding the room description (which is prone to errors) and then handle multiple rooms with exactly the same description (like "a forest path") which will make the mapper act weirdly. And look crappy.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nylian   (12 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #224 on Thu 14 Jun 2012 09:17 PM (UTC)
Nick Gammon said:

If you are developing the MUD, you an either do it the very easy way, or the very tedious and unreliable way. Guess which one I would recommend?

The easy way, as Fiendish suggested, is to add some extra protocol (it could be GMCP) which sends down, at the very least, what room you are in (as in, internal room number). Uniquely identifying each room is the most important thing for a mapper. More simply than GMCP, just use telnet subnegotiation to send down a simple sequence (eg. "room=1234").

But really, just send GMCP. Then you have mappers "off the shelf" already written, or if you want to look different, customize one that is already written.

If you don't, then you have to try to detect unique rooms by finding the room description (which is prone to errors) and then handle multiple rooms with exactly the same description (like "a forest path") which will make the mapper act weirdly. And look crappy.

Truly I appreciate the response Nick, however my response to him would be the same to you.

Nylian said:

Thanks for the suggestion (I have already mentioned this to the chief).

I am not doing that level of coding, or any coding at the moment for that matter, that's up to the head code monkey. I'm doing things at a much simpler level.

Regardless of what becomes of the MUD, I would still like to know how to adapt this to the screenshot provided.

I would have to figure this out the crappy way and just need help customizing the triggers =/

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