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Posted by
| Tsunami
USA (204 posts) Bio
| Reply #60 on Tue 06 Feb 2007 05:09 AM (UTC) |
| The assumption is that temp_afflicted is created somewhere else in the script, and that this is appropriately checked. You could equally set it equal to {} instead of nil. | Top |
Posted by
| Caelan
Vanuatu (12 posts) Bio
| Reply #61 on Tue 06 Feb 2007 11:51 AM (UTC) |
| So would this work since it depends on the IF?
function temp_toreal ()
lifevision = GetVariable("lifevision")
-- see if it picked up lifevision
if (lifevision == true) then
temp_aff = {}
end -- if
elseif (lifevision == false)
for k in pairs (temp_aff) do
end -- for
end -- if
end -- function
temp_aff is the table. temp_afflicted would be a function similar to the previous 'afflicted' one to assign the afflictions to the temp_aff table. If lifevision is true, I want all afflictions (would be 2 or 3 tops) cleared out of the temp_aff table. | Top |
Posted by
| Tsunami
USA (204 posts) Bio
| Reply #62 on Tue 06 Feb 2007 03:41 PM (UTC) |
| The idea is right, but there are a couple syntax problems.
if (lifevision == true) then
temp_aff = {}
the 'end' right there closes the if statement. This means that you can't continue it with the elseif. Because of the return statement, you can eliminate the elseif altogether. If the script execution gets to that point, it is guarenteed lifevision is false; if not, it would have returned from the function.
| Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #63 on Tue 06 Feb 2007 06:42 PM (UTC) |
lifevision = GetVariable("lifevision")
-- see if it picked up lifevision
if (lifevision == true) then
You haven't addressed here my concerns expressed earlier about variable types. You are using "true" here which is a boolean type, but GetVariable returns a string type. These are two different data types, and thus the expression " (lifevision == true)" will always be false. That is, it will never execute the code inside that 'if".
I suggest you play around with Lua a bit to get a feel for the syntax, perhaps a simple program in the Immediate window to print a list of numbers and multiply them by 2, something like that. Then you will feel more comfortable tackling more complex problems.
The assumption is that temp_afflicted is created somewhere else in the script, and that this is appropriately checked.
It is my experience that it is usually assumptions that bring programs undone.
The code below should be syntactically correct, whether it works or not depends on what the variables are used for elsewhere:
function temp_toreal ()
-- see if it picked up lifevision
if GetVariable ("lifevision") == "1" then
temp_aff = {}
end -- if
for k in pairs (temp_aff) do
afflicted (k)
end -- for
end -- function
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Caelan
Vanuatu (12 posts) Bio
| Reply #64 on Fri 16 Feb 2007 01:18 PM (UTC) Amended on Fri 16 Feb 2007 01:24 PM (UTC) by Caelan
| I got it to work. Thanks for the help.
I use tempafflicted to work the same as your 'afflicted' table function from before... then the other function is like this...
function tempafflicted (what)
Please help us by showing:
- A copy of the trigger, alias or timer you were using (see
Copying XML)
- The error message, if any, that you got
| = true -- note the affliction
end -- function afflicted
function temp_toreal ()
-- see if it picked up lifevision
if GetVariable ("lifevision") == "1" then
temp_aff = {}
end -- if
for k in pairs (temp_aff) do
afflicted (k)
end -- for
temp_aff = {}
SetVariable ("lifevision", 0)
end -- function
Anytime it picks up '** Illusion **' it just clears any afflictions so the '** Illusion **' could have come before or after the msgs (but before the prompt as it always does).
Thanks again.
Edit : I got the idea here -
but I think this is way easier (at least for me) when combined with the info at the beginning of this thread. I was able to set up a healing setup that goes off all the seperate balances (tree/focus/herb/salve/smoke (no balance on smoking though but for aeon it would be helpful)) and doesn't trip up so long as the person has lifevision. Now I just need to further illusion-proof for times when lifevision doesn't pick up the Illusion. THANKS A TON! | Top |
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