I am pleased to release version 5.05 of MUSHclient. See the release notes for more details.
- Changed style runs slightly so that an empty style run can exist in a line. This is so that if one line ends with a colour change it can be picked up in the next line. Suggested by Fiendish.
- Changed the WindowMenu script function to let you align the menu to a specified place around the selected point.
- Fixed bug in (comms) sending routine where under some circumstances data (commands) would not be sent. This also had the side-effect of preventing any further data from being sent, making it seem like any attempts to send commands would fail.
- Upgraded SQLite3 from 3.13.0 to 3.16.2.
You can view the release notes for version 5.05
You can download MUSHclient 5.05 now from ...
You are strongly advised to backup (make a copy of) your existing MUSHclient world files before upgrading. Just in case.
If there are any problems, please post messages to the Bug Reports, Suggestions, or General parts of this forum.
MD5 sum for the installer
If you do an md5sum on mushclient505.exe you should get this result:
The forum post a small script to sumcheck the MUSHclient download shows how you can write a small script in MUSHclient to do the sumcheck. It also lists some places you can download md5sum.exe to do the sumcheck (if this is the first time you have downloaded MUSHclient).
One way of doing an md5sum is to download the Installer_sumcheck plugin from the Plugins page (RH click that link and "save link as" to get the plugin). Then install the plugin (see the File menu -> Plugins) and type "md5sum" which lets you browse to the installer file, load it, and display the sumcheck.
Message about "Failed to load resources file"
Some users are reporting getting a message like "Failed to load resources file: C:\Programme\MUSHclient\locale\DE.dll - trying English file" when starting MUSHclient (the DE.dll part might be another language like FR.dll).
This will be because you have customized the "locale" of MUSHclient to other than EN (English).
See the How to localize MUSHclient messages into other languages forum posting for more details about localization.
To fix this, find the directory you installed MUSHclient into (eg. "C:\Program Files\MUSHclient\") and then locate the subdirectory "locale". In that you will find a file en.dll. Copy or rename that file to match the missing file in the message (eg. copy en.dll to de.dll).
Alternative suggestion: Go into the File menu -> Global Preferences -> General, and change the field "Locale code" back to "EN" (English) and then it should look for EN.DLL next time.
Warning about Lua 5.1 upgrade (September 2006)
MUSHclient version 3.80 upgraded the Lua script engine from Lua 5.0.2 to 5.1.1. If you are upgrading to this version from an earlier version than 3.80, you should read Version 3.80 released - with Lua 5.1 script engine - this post has recommendations about what is required if you use Lua scripting or Lua plugins. Note: Since version 3.80 was released, the version of Lua has been upgraded. It is currently 5.1.4. Some versions (versions 4.49 to 4.52 of MUSHclient) may incorrectly report they are using Lua 5.1.1 when you open a world.
Warning about upgrading from versions prior to 3.21 (May 2002)
MUSHclient version 3.85 (onwards) no longer reads the old "binary" world files produced by versions prior to 3.21. For more information about this please read the forum post Versions 3.85 onwards no longer support world files created prior to version 3.21 - this post has recommendations about how to upgrade your world files if you are upgrading from a version earlier than 3.21.
Note that version 3.21 was released quite a few years ago (May 2002), so people who have recently installed MUSHclient should not have any problems.
Source code
The source code for this version is available from GitHub:
You can directly download the source from the Downloads page (https://github.com/nickgammon/mushclient/archive/master.zip), or preferably install Git and use the appropriate commands to clone or pull the source. For some suggestions about getting the source from Git see MUSHclient source being made available on GitHub forum posting.
If you install Git, subsequent downloads (of new versions) will be much faster as it only needs to download the changes, not the whole source. Also by using Git you can find out exactly what has changed from version to the next.
Summary of changes in this version
$ git --no-pager diff v5.04..v5.05 --stat
.gitignore | 10 +-
MUSHclient.cpp | 11 +-
MUSHclient.rc | 9 +-
MUSHclient.vcxproj | 2896 +-
MUSHclient_2010.sln | 20 -
MUSHclient_2015.sln | 23 +
TimerWnd.h | 2 +-
Utilities.cpp | 2 +-
appveyor.yml | 32 +
dialogs/world_prefs/TreePropertySheet.cpp | 2 +-
doc.cpp | 11 +-
doc.h | 14 +-
how_to_release.txt | 15 +-
install/mushclient.nsi | 2 +-
install/readme.txt | 4 +-
miniwindow.cpp | 95 +-
paneline.cpp | 9 +-
scripting/scriptengine.cpp | 3 +
sqlite3/readme.txt | 4 +-
sqlite3/sqlite3.c | 397570 ++++++++++++++-------------
sqlite3/sqlite3.h | 834 +-
sqlite3/sqlite3ext.h | 24 +-
stdafx.h | 5 +-
telnet_phases.cpp | 14 +-
version.h | 13 +
worldsock.cpp | 15 +-
worldsock.h | 2 +-
zlib/gzguts.h | 2 -
zlib/readme.txt | 10 +
zlib/zlib.h | 1 -
30 files changed, 202944 insertions(+), 198710 deletions(-)
Commit log (date order)
$ git --no-pager log --pretty=oneline --reverse --abbrev-commit v5.04..v5.05
5de06cc Updated version number to 5.05
ab71be2 without empty styles, we never catch colored EOLs
c710e73 Merge pull request #28 from fiendish/patch-1
e9db519 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
9aebb7c msvc community 2015 is free, does MFC, and targets XP
b8f0494 poke
a87bc82 Update .gitignore
f1851e6 Update .gitignore
62d414c TEST
90a8e3f new test
bd24157 test this out
1544d50 maybe?
c967c37 maybe?
ca02746 maybe?
68c042a maybe?
6c70bd1 maybe?
1b32e68 poke
13c3bde Merge pull request #29 from fiendish/master
e047acd Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
7f28087 Changed secuire token to mine
571d3ae Added _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS to get rid of some warnings
d27a16d Removed more warnings
bd0ba14 Removed more warnings
a570a4e Trying to get rid of zlib warnings
79f68b9 Trying to get rid of zlib warnings - again
0000de4 Added details about update GitHub release notes
24820fb Added '-pre' to pre-release version numbers
cdfe9ab Show time compiled when opening world (after date compiled)
5cee20e streamline version updates
b0627e3 use PRE_RELEASE=PRE_RELEASE environment variable
081102d Merge branch 'prerelease_check' of https://github.com/fiendish/mushclient into fiendish-prerelease_check
563ccc4 Merge branch 'fiendish-prerelease_check'
0fdad23 Added comments to explain things in version.h file
0677ef3 test reducing mfc exe size
436646d Merge pull request #32 from fiendish/master
89606e9 more build optimizations
aa677c6 Merge pull request #33 from fiendish/master
43bef41 fix nsis website url
7f409af Merge pull request #34 from fiendish/patch-1
a57ce19 Added menu alignment handling
4dde2b1 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
4e9f62c Removed fast floating point option
cc3867a Call base class OnReceive
14f63be Trying to fix problem with missing incoming data
1991d17 Reverted change to comms handling
d8433a7 Increased comms buffer size
c0b2149 Fixed bug in telnet negotiation of terminal type
ee10978 Fixed bug in sending packets
3607fe1 Fixed another bug in sending packets
7754f10 Reverted commit 4e9f62cd
38f28ec Upgraded SQLite3 from 3.13.0 to 3.16.2
dabba0b Final changes before release