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➜ lpeg code translate to lpeg re
lpeg code translate to lpeg re
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Pages: 1
Posted by
| Albert Chan
(55 posts) Bio
| Reply #60 on Sun 11 Feb 2018 04:38 PM (UTC) Amended on Mon 12 Feb 2018 02:40 PM (UTC) by Albert Chan
| Just wanted to show a faster and more controlled way to do gsub in re
unlike string.gsub, re.gsub replaces all matches,
that means re.gsub cannot do this:
t = 'this and that and whatever'
=string.gsub(t, 't%w*', string.upper, 2)
THIS and THAT and whatever
here is a lpeg re pattern that will:
sub2 = re.compile("{~ (>('t'%w*) -> upper)^-2 .* ~}", {upper=string.upper})
THIS and THAT and whatever
I used my patched '>' matching prefix, above literally translate to this:
sub2 = re.compile("{~ (g <- ('t'%w*) -> upper / .[^t]* g)^-2 .* ~}", {upper=string.upper})
| Top |
Posted by
| Albert Chan
(55 posts) Bio
| Reply #61 on Sun 11 Feb 2018 07:11 PM (UTC) Amended on Mon 12 Feb 2018 10:11 PM (UTC) by Albert Chan
| On second thought, re.gsub can do limited replacements using helper function
function upto(rep, n)
local f = rep
if type(f) ~= 'function' then f = function() return rep end end
return function (s)
if n <= 0 then return end -- no replace
n = n - 1
return f(s)
= re.gsub(t, "'t'%w*", upto(string.upper, 2))
THIS and THAT and whatever | Top |
Posted by
| Albert Chan
(55 posts) Bio
| Reply #62 on Mon 12 Feb 2018 07:25 PM (UTC) Amended on Mon 12 Feb 2018 10:17 PM (UTC) by Albert Chan
| Above function upto() for demonstration only
there are many problems with it ...
upto generated function cannot be memoized in re.gsub
even if it can, generated function is "dead" after n replacements.
And, because it returned function, back reference will not work
= re.gsub(t, "%w+", "(%0)")
(this) (and) (that) (and) (whatever)
= re.gsub(t, "%w+", upto("(%0)", 1)) -- this failed to recognize %0
(%0) and that and whatever
-- this gsub style will handle it all
= re.match(t, "{~ (g <- %w+ -> '(%0)' / .%W* g)? .* ~}")
(this) and that and whatever
| Top |
Posted by
| Albert Chan
(55 posts) Bio
| Reply #63 on Wed 14 Feb 2018 01:46 AM (UTC) Amended on Thu 15 Feb 2018 03:40 AM (UTC) by Albert Chan
| my previous lpeg re pattern for greedy search may fail if the pattern is repeated
(I learn this from, page 11)
-- greedy search for 'xuxu', my old way will not work
= re.match( 'xuxuxui', "(g <- 'xuxu' / .g)+")
-- with known pattern, we can change the search:
= re.match('xuxuxui', "(g <- 'xu'^+2 / .g)+ ")
However, it maybe hard to recognize a repeated pattern, say %a%u
And, how to change the search ? Is %a%u+ correct ?
This is Roberto's solution to repeat sub-patterns problem
(the published pattern is flawed, it had * instead of +, which return 1 for no match)
= re.match( 'xuxuxui', "(g <- &'xuxu' . / .g)+")
returned position is 1 pass last occurence, but is correct
final position = 4 - 1 + fixedlen('xuxu') = 3 + 4 = 7
I have an improvement to his pattern, without the position arithmetic
(note: the loop never check first position, but it is ok)
= re.match( 'xuxuxui', "(. (g <- &'xuxu' / .g))* 'xuxu' ")
| Top |
Posted by
| Albert Chan
(55 posts) Bio
| Reply #64 on Wed 14 Feb 2018 02:20 PM (UTC) Amended on Sat 17 Feb 2018 06:27 PM (UTC) by Albert Chan
| what I learned so far to translate lua pattern "(.*)" .. z .. "(.*)" to lpeg re:
Note: pattern using my patched lpeg:
this work with all z, even with repeated sub-patterns, say 'andand' (1)
pat1 = re.compile("{(. >&%z)*} %z {.*}", {z=z})
if text is short (short enough not to overflow backtack stack), we can do true greedy
pat2 = re.compile("{g <- .g / &%z} %z {.*}", {z=z})
my patched lpeg can optimize above and use less backtrack stack (2)
pat3 = re.compile("{g <- .[^%z]* g / &%z} %z {.*}", {z=z})
it can even turn into a tail call, without worrying about stack (3)
pat4 = re.compile("{.* %b <&%z} %z {.*}", {z=z})
it does not have to match from end-of-string (4)
pat5 = re.compile("{(>%z)* %b <&%z} %z {.*}", {z=z})
(1) '>' is for forward match: >%pat == (g <- %pat / . [^%pat]* g)
(2) with my patched lpeg: [^%pat] == non-head-chars of %pat
(3) '<' is for backward match: <%pat == (g <- %pat / %b g)
(4) the loop (>%z)* move just beyond the correct position | Top |
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