Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| It's a bit fiddly to get right, so I wrote a plugin to do it.
To save and install the Cooldown_Timers plugin do this:
- Copy the code below (in the code box) to the Clipboard
- Open a text editor (such as Notepad) and paste the plugin code into it
- Save to disk on your PC, preferably in your plugins directory, as Cooldown_Timers.xml
- The "plugins" directory is usually under the "worlds" directory inside where you installed MUSHclient.
- Go to the MUSHclient File menu -> Plugins
- Click "Add"
- Choose the file Cooldown_Timers.xml (which you just saved in step 3) as a plugin
- Click "Close"
- Save your world file, so that the plugin loads next time you open it.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE muclient>
author="Nick Gammon"
purpose="Calculates cooldowns for action while connected"
date_written="2020-11-04 08:15:07"
<description trim="y">
cooldown add <name> <minutes>
cooldown remove <name>
cooldown list
<!-- Aliases -->
<!-- Timers -->
<!-- Script -->
require "serialize"
require "pairsbykeys"
cooldown_table = { }
-- ---------------------------------------------------
-- on plugin install, convert variable into Lua table
-- ---------------------------------------------------
function OnPluginInstall ()
assert (loadstring (GetVariable ("cooldown_table") or "")) ()
end -- function OnPluginInstall
-- ---------------------------------------------------
-- on saving state, convert Lua table back into string variable
-- save_simple is for simple tables that do not have cycles (self-reference)
-- or refer to other tables
-- ---------------------------------------------------
function OnPluginSaveState ()
SetVariable ("cooldown_table",
"cooldown_table = " .. serialize.save_simple (cooldown_table))
end -- function OnPluginSaveState
-- ---------------------------------------------------
-- on plugin connect, start timing cooldowns for this session
-- ---------------------------------------------------
function OnPluginConnect ()
for k, v in pairs (cooldown_table) do
v.start = os.time ()
end -- for
end -- OnPluginConnect
-- ---------------------------------------------------
-- on plugin disconnect, calculate how long through the cooldowns we are
-- ---------------------------------------------------
function OnPluginDisconnect ()
for k, v in pairs (cooldown_table) do
v.previous = v.previous + os.time () - v.start
end -- for
SaveState ()
end -- OnPluginDisconnect
-- ---------------------------------------------------
-- print a message in the required colour (orange)
-- ---------------------------------------------------
function cooldown_print (...)
local old_note_colour = GetNoteColourFore ()
SetNoteColourFore(ColourNameToRGB "orange")
print (...)
SetNoteColourFore (old_note_colour)
end -- cooldown_print
-- ---------------------------------------------------
-- print a message in the error colour (red)
-- ---------------------------------------------------
function cooldown_error (...)
local old_note_colour = GetNoteColourFore ()
SetNoteColourFore(ColourNameToRGB "red")
print (...)
SetNoteColourFore (old_note_colour)
end -- cooldown_error
-- ---------------------------------------------------
-- formats a certain number of seconds into weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds
-- ---------------------------------------------------
local function formatTime (secs, showSecs)
local t = { }
secs = math.floor (tonumber (secs))
local SECS_IN_MINUTE = 60
-- weeks
if secs >= SECS_IN_WEEK then
local weeks = math.floor (secs / SECS_IN_WEEK)
secs = secs - (weeks * SECS_IN_WEEK)
table.insert (t, tostring (weeks) .. "w")
end -- if at least one week
-- days
if secs >= SECS_IN_DAY then
local days = math.floor (secs / SECS_IN_DAY)
secs = secs - (days * SECS_IN_DAY)
table.insert (t, tostring (days) .. "d")
end -- if at least one day
-- hours
if secs >= SECS_IN_HOUR then
local hours = math.floor (secs / SECS_IN_HOUR)
secs = secs - (hours * SECS_IN_HOUR)
table.insert (t, tostring (hours) .. "h")
end -- if at least one hour
-- always show minutes
local minutes = math.floor (secs / SECS_IN_MINUTE)
secs = secs - (minutes * SECS_IN_MINUTE)
if not showSecs and secs >= 30 then
minutes = minutes + 1 -- round up if not showing seconds
end -- if rounding needed
table.insert (t, tostring (minutes) .. "m")
-- seconds
if showSecs then
table.insert (t, tostring (math.floor (secs)) .. "s")
end -- if seconds wanted
return table.concat (t, " ")
end -- formatTime
-- ---------------------------------------------------
-- Calculate time to go
-- ---------------------------------------------------
function cooldown_time_to_go (which)
local this_session = 0
if IsConnected () then
this_session = os.time () - which.start
end -- if connected
local time_taken = this_session + which.previous
return math.max (which.seconds - time_taken, 0)
end -- cooldown_time_to_go
-- ---------------------------------------------------
-- Here for cooldown alias
-- ---------------------------------------------------
function cooldown (name, line, wildcards, styles)
local function help ()
cooldown_print "Usage:"
cooldown_print " cooldown add <name> <minutes>"
cooldown_print " cooldown remove <name>"
cooldown_print " cooldown list"
end -- help
-- ---------------------------------------------------
-- add a cooldown
-- ---------------------------------------------------
local function add (args)
-- find action name and number of minutes
local action, minutes = string.match (args, "^%a+%s+(%a+)%s+([%d.]+)$")
if not action or not tonumber (minutes) then
cooldown_error "'cooldown add' requires the action and number of minutes to be specified"
cooldown_print "eg. cooldown add fishing 20"
end -- if no action and minutes given
action = action:lower ()
if cooldown_table [action] then
cooldown_error ("Action", action, "already on cooldown")
end -- if already there
cooldown_table [action] = { seconds = minutes * 60, start = os.time (), previous = 0 }
cooldown_print ("Cooldown for", action, "started")
end -- add
-- ---------------------------------------------------
-- remove a cooldown
-- ---------------------------------------------------
local function remove (args)
-- find action name
local action = string.match (args, "^%a+%s+(%a+)$")
if not action then
cooldown_error "'cooldown remove' requires the action name to be specified"
cooldown_print "eg. cooldown remove fishing"
end -- if no action given
action = action:lower ()
if not cooldown_table [action] then
cooldown_error ("Action", action, "not on cooldown")
end -- if not there
cooldown_table [action] = nil
cooldown_print ("Cooldown for", action, "removed")
end -- remove
-- ---------------------------------------------------
-- list all cooldowns
-- ---------------------------------------------------
local function list (args)
if next (cooldown_table) then
for k, v in pairsByKeys (cooldown_table) do
cooldown_print (k, formatTime (cooldown_time_to_go (v), true))
end -- for
cooldown_print "No actions on cooldown"
end -- if
end -- list
local args = Trim (wildcards [1])
if args == "" then
help ()
end -- showing help
local command = string.match (args, "^(%a+)")
if not command then
cooldown_error "Invalid argument."
help ()
end -- if not recognised format
command = command:lower ()
if command == "add" then
add (args)
elseif command == "remove" then
remove (args)
elseif command == "list" then
list ()
cooldown_error "Command not recognised"
help ()
end -- if
end -- cooldown
-- ---------------------------------------------------
-- Here for cooldown timer - check if any cooldowns are up
-- ---------------------------------------------------
function cooldown_timer (name)
for k, v in pairsByKeys (cooldown_table) do
local togo = cooldown_time_to_go (v)
if togo <= 0 then
cooldown_print ("Cooldown for", k, "is up")
-- remove from table
cooldown_table [k] = nil
end -- if
end -- for
end -- cooldown_timer
Once installed, you should be able to type something like:
cooldown add fishing 60
cooldown add hunting 120
The time period is in minutes (so 120 would be 2 hours). The plugin "remembers" how long you are through the cooldown when you disconnect, and keeps calculating next time you connect.
You can find the current status like this:
Which will show you something like this:
fishing 29m 52s
hunting 21m 58s
When the cooldown is up you will see:
Cooldown for fishing is up
- Nick Gammon, | Top |