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New custom status bar window

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Posted by Luowei98   China  (7 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #45 on Thu 04 Oct 2007 12:49 AM (UTC)
yes, i want to auto load state bar window at my plugin. i use os.execute("StatusBar.exe") to do it, and it open a dos window to open state bar window, state bar does not work until i close dos window. i don't know why, and how can i do it automatically.
the second question is path of os.execute use, i have to put the file StatusBar.exe at mc directory, if not do this, status bar window can not open.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #46 on Thu 04 Oct 2007 05:59 AM (UTC)

Amended on Thu 04 Oct 2007 07:20 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

This should start it up from the MUSHclient executable directory, and not keep a DOS window open:

os.execute ("start " .. GetInfo (66) .. "\\" .. "statusbar.exe")

To do it automatically put that inside a function called OnPluginInstall inside a plugin. Eg. in Lua:

function OnPluginInstall ()
  os.execute ("start " .. GetInfo (66) .. "\\" .. "statusbar.exe")
end -- function OnPluginInstall 

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Luowei98   China  (7 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #47 on Fri 05 Oct 2007 01:58 AM (UTC)
thank nick for your answer.
my MUSHclient executable directory is "C:\Program Files\MUSHclient\", so when i use start command, it does not work. and i changed it like
os.execute ("start \"\" \"" .. GetInfo (66) .. "\statusbar.exe\"")
it is OK.
it works well now, thank you!

Posted by Luowei98   China  (7 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #48 on Fri 05 Oct 2007 09:23 AM (UTC)
i have new problem now, when i load status bar window at the function called OnPluginInstall, the MUSHclient lost focus, current window change to status bar window. i want to reactive MUSHclient automatically, how can i do it?

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #49 on Fri 05 Oct 2007 08:56 PM (UTC)

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Luowei98   China  (7 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #50 on Sun 07 Oct 2007 05:19 AM (UTC)
great! it work very well. thanks alot!

Posted by Luowei98   China  (7 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #51 on Sat 13 Oct 2007 12:03 PM (UTC)
hi nick, i have a new problem now, that is when the MCL file which have load status bar window can not be save.
it always say "access to XXX.MCL was denied".
what is this mean, and how can i solve it?

and more question is, how can i close the status bar window when i close one session of the MUSHclient?
i think to use send a close message to status bar window, and status bar window close itself, but i am not a programmer, and can not modifie the C file of status bar window. can u help me?

thanks a lot!

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #52 on Sat 13 Oct 2007 11:57 PM (UTC)
If you edit the statusbar.cpp file that came with the download, it explains what each of the commands are, in comments near the top. You want the "quit" command.

I don't know why it won't save, try saving under a different name and then quitting MUSHclient or rebooting the PC.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Luowei98   China  (7 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #53 on Sun 14 Oct 2007 01:35 AM (UTC)
oh, yeah! it have "quit" command. thanks!

Posted by Vicissitude   (1 post)  Bio
Date Reply #54 on Fri 06 Jun 2008 02:42 PM (UTC)
I'm not sure how the status bar is set up. I've dl'ed the file and unzipped it. The link to the additional Lua files providing socket support in Nick's original post did not work, so I did a google search and found the latest file here:
Where do I put the .lua files from The zip file has subfolders which complicates things. The instructions given by the programmer are here:

I would greatly appreciate it if someone looked into this for me.

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #55 on Fri 06 Jun 2008 09:19 PM (UTC)

I got it working like this:

  • As mentioned on the MUSHclient downloads page:

    Download the file with the custom status bar program in it, namely:

  • Download the amended LuaSocket stuff as described here, about halfway down the page:

    Specifically you want the file:

    Unzip that into the same directory as MUSHclient.exe (eg. c:\Program Files\MUSHclient if that is where you put it).

  • Manually start up StatusBar.exe (for now) by double-clicking it, and accepting it as a valid program if your firewall complains that it is trying to access the Internet (that is because it opens a "listening" UDP port).

    You should see a blank (white) status bar window.

  • In MUSHclient's File -> Global Preferences -> Lua, make sure "Allow DLLs to be loaded" is checked (as luasocket is a DLL). Make sure your current world is trusted (in the script on that page), or make the first line:

    trust_all_worlds = true

    If you had to change it, go to the Game menu -> Reload Script File.

  • Copy and paste the example from page 1 of this thread, minus the 'dofile "lua.lua"' part, as follows, into an Immediate window (Ctrl+I):

    socket = require "socket"
    s = socket.udp ()
    s:setpeername ("", 4111)
    s:send ("magic,title,Status Bar - BabbleMUD")
    s:send ("magic,config,10,5,100,15,60,320,20")
    s:send ("magic,size,10,10,350,140")
    s:send ("magic,textcolour," .. ColourNameToRGB ("indigo"))
    s:send ("magic,backcolour," .. ColourNameToRGB ("lightsteelblue"))
    s:send ("magic,labels,HP,Mana,Move,XP")
    s:send ("magic,values,10,20,30,80")
    s:send ("magic,font,Comic Sans MS,10,0,700")
    s:send ("magic,colours," .. 
            ColourNameToRGB ("darkgreen") .. "," .. 
            ColourNameToRGB ("darkblue") .. "," .. 
            ColourNameToRGB ("saddlebrown") .. "," .. 
            ColourNameToRGB ("dimgray"))
    s:send ("magic,fillcolours," .. 
            ColourNameToRGB ("lightgreen") .. "," .. 
            ColourNameToRGB ("lightblue") .. "," .. 
            ColourNameToRGB ("tan") .. "," .. 
            ColourNameToRGB ("gainsboro"))
    s:send ("magic,text,5,88,Darkhaven Square")
    s:close ()

  • Your status bar should now look like the screen dump on page 1 of this thread.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #56 on Fri 06 Jun 2008 09:21 PM (UTC)

Amended on Fri 06 Jun 2008 09:23 PM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

However an important point is that you don't need Luasocket to make it work - that was for the example, and is one way of going about it. In this example (also from page 1):

function multiline_trigger (name, line, wildcards)

  local function udp (msg)
    UdpSend ("", 4111, "magic," .. msg)

  udp ("title,Inventory")
  udp ("size,10,10,300,300")
  udp ("config,10,5,100,15,80,300,20")
  udp ("font,Harem,12")
  udp ("textcolour,0")
  udp ("backcolour,14804223")
  udp ("text,5,5," .. wildcards.inventory)

end -- function

That simply uses UdpSend which is built into MUSHclient. If you do a trigger like that, you can skip all the steps about installing Luasocket, letting MUSHclient read DLLs, and so on.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #57 on Fri 06 Jun 2008 10:13 PM (UTC)

Amended on Fri 06 Jun 2008 10:42 PM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

I got a couple of triggers to work nicely, it was a bit trickier than I thought, as I haven't looked at it for a while, and things have changed a bit.

   match="&lt;*/* hp */* m */* mv */* xp&gt;*"

-- calculate percentages, put them in a table 
status_table = {
   %1/%2 * 100,  -- hp
   %3/%4 * 100,  -- mana
   %5/%6 * 100,  -- movement
   %7/%8 * 100,  -- xp

if not status_window_open then
  status_window_open = true
  udp = function (msg)
    UdpSend ("", 4111, "magic," .. msg)

  os.execute ('start "statusbar" "' .. GetInfo (66) .. 'StatusBar.exe"')

  -- it might take a second to start up StatusBar.exe, so do this a second later
  DoAfterSpecial (1, [[
    udp ("title,Status Bar - SMAUG")
    udp ("config,10,5,100,15,60,320,20")
    udp ("size,10,10,350,140")
    udp ("textcolour," .. ColourNameToRGB ("indigo"))
    udp ("backcolour," .. ColourNameToRGB ("lightsteelblue"))
    udp ("labels,HP,Mana,Move,XP")
    udp ("font,Comic Sans MS,10,0,700")
    udp ("colours," .. 
            ColourNameToRGB ("darkgreen") .. "," .. 
            ColourNameToRGB ("darkblue") .. "," .. 
            ColourNameToRGB ("saddlebrown") .. "," .. 
            ColourNameToRGB ("dimgray"))
    udp ("fillcolours," .. 
            ColourNameToRGB ("lightgreen") .. "," .. 
            ColourNameToRGB ("lightblue") .. "," .. 
            ColourNameToRGB ("tan") .. "," .. 
            ColourNameToRGB ("gainsboro"))
    udp ("values," .. table.concat (status_table or {}, ","))
    ActivateClient ()  -- get focus back
  ]], 12)
  udp ("values," .. table.concat (status_table, ","))
end -- first time

   match="Exits: *"

if udp then
  udp ("text,5,88,%0")
end -- status window available


To make this work, first I set my SMAUG prompt to show all the stuff it needs:

prompt <%h/%H hp %m/%M m %v/%V mv %x/%X xp> 

That is, current and max HP, current and max Mana, current and max movement points, xp and XP to go. This lets me calculate percentages for the status bar.

Then after installing the statusbar.exe from:

It was ready to work. What the first trigger does is calculate the percentages, and then the first time around, it uses os.execute to start up the statusbar.exe program. (You need to make the world "trusted" for this to work). It then uses DoAfterSpecial to configure the status window a second later. The reason for this is to give the status bar program time to start.

From then on, each prompt updates the status bar.

The second trigger updates the current exits.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #58 on Fri 06 Jun 2008 10:16 PM (UTC)

This is what it looked like:

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #59 on Fri 06 Jun 2008 11:07 PM (UTC)
A nice trick is to make the status bar window auto-position itself adajacent to the world window where it is being used. To do this replace the line above:

udp ("size,10,10,350,140")

... by this:

    -- where is the world window?
    local mc_location = GetWorldWindowPosition (1, 1)
    local width = 350
    local height = 140
    local t = {
      mc_location.left - width - 10, - 30,
    udp ("size," .. table.concat (t, ","))

What this does is use GetWorldWindowPosition to find the position of the world window, in global screen co-ordinates. We then subtract the width of the status window (350 in this case) from the left of the MUSHclient window, which puts it exactly to the left of it. I added a "fudge" factor of 10, to allow room for the window edge.

Then it takes the top of the MUSHclient window, and subtracts 30 to allow for the width of the title bar, so both title bars line up.

- Nick Gammon,

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