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Posted by
| Yungen2003
USA (34 posts) Bio
| Sat 05 Nov 2005 09:57 PM (UTC) Amended on Sat 05 Nov 2005 09:58 PM (UTC) by Yungen2003
| ok i got a chatlog setup but now i want it to put it out in html any idea so far i got this
i want it to look identical to what the mud looks like in color wise black background etc
* howls '*'
AppendToNotepad "Chats", "%0" & VBCrLf |
I belive a man should be judged by the quality of his work not the quality of his piss | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #1 on Sat 05 Nov 2005 11:13 PM (UTC) |
| There is already an HTML log option in MUSHclient that preserves colours, why not use that? |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Yungen2003
USA (34 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Sun 06 Nov 2005 12:18 AM (UTC) |
| i dont want all of it i just want the chats
also i got a trigger
^. * (?!chat|chats|howls|tells the group|snarls).+ '*'.+$
but i cant get it to work any ideas? |
I belive a man should be judged by the quality of his work not the quality of his piss | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #3 on Sun 06 Nov 2005 04:25 AM (UTC) |
| You could still do it with logging.
- Make a trigger that matches your chat stuff (like you had), and make it sequence 80, and do *not* check "keep evaluating". This will make the chats get logged.
- Make a trigger to match everything (like match "*"), make it sequence 90, and check "omit from log file". Also check "keep evaluating" so that other triggers can still match.
What this will do is only log the chats. The first trigger will log chats, the 2nd trigger stops everything else from being logged. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Yungen2003
USA (34 posts) Bio
| Reply #4 on Sun 06 Nov 2005 10:14 AM (UTC) |
| ok well i think that will work altho i cant be sure till i get the first chat logging trigger to work. right now it just wont log anything
the current trigger is
^. * (?!chat|chats|howls|tells the group|snarls).+ '*'.+$
sequence 100 regular expression checked i cant get that to owkr |
I belive a man should be judged by the quality of his work not the quality of his piss | Top |
Posted by
| Yungen2003
USA (34 posts) Bio
| Reply #5 on Sun 06 Nov 2005 03:49 PM (UTC) |
| here are a few examples as to what it looks like when someone tells chats etc...
Kyrnn the werewolf growls 'sure they do'.
Kyrnn the werewolf ClanChats 'Ok'
Saleha chats 'I'm tiny :P'
Kyrnn the werewolf chats 'yes you are'
You chat '=p'
Kyrnn tells the group 'hmmm'.
they go on but those are just a few examples i want a trigger that can consider all those types
so far its like this
^* (chat|chats|howls|tells the group|snarls|bitches|shouts|tells you|clan chats|growls|growl) .+$
but i keep getting a error called nothing to confused as to that....
if someone could figure this out it would be much appreciated... |
I belive a man should be judged by the quality of his work not the quality of his piss | Top |
Posted by
| Flannel
USA (1,230 posts) Bio
| Reply #6 on Sun 06 Nov 2005 09:59 PM (UTC) |
| You're mixing Regular Expressions and non regular expressions.
Your first asterisk (second character) means 'zero or more of the preceeding character', without anything prior to duplicate.
Try this:^(.*?) (chats?|howls|tells the group|snarls) '(.*)'.?$
Is there a period at the end of each line? And what is with your .+ after your options? Is there something else that might show up there? You might have to also take into account extra whitespace (some servers include a space after the period, just be aware of it). |
Messiah of Rose
Eternity's Trials.
Clones are people two. | Top |
Posted by
| Yungen2003
USA (34 posts) Bio
| Reply #7 on Sun 06 Nov 2005 11:05 PM (UTC) |
| ok cool that trigger worked now for the part i was talking about earlier.....the reason i didnt use the log is because it wouldnt update in real time like a in mushclient notepad would.....thats why i didnt do it there away to get around it not updating in real time? |
I belive a man should be judged by the quality of his work not the quality of his piss | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #8 on Mon 07 Nov 2005 02:30 AM (UTC) |
| Update what in real time? You are outputting HTML, so what is going to read it and update in real time? |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Yungen2003
USA (34 posts) Bio
| Reply #9 on Tue 08 Nov 2005 02:55 AM (UTC) |
| well in zmud
they have a window in the program that updates in real time and has all the style of the mud
thats what im wanting to achive in mushclient im sure in one of the script languages there is some way to achive this
it updates it in real time and you can watch the screen for chats ie if your spamemd out
the screen would look something like this
this is the top
chat logs with color etc...... |
mud screen |
command line |
but id be willing to sacrifice the in same screen function to just have the colors in another tabed window |
I belive a man should be judged by the quality of his work not the quality of his piss | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #10 on Tue 08 Nov 2005 09:46 PM (UTC) |
| Oh I see what you are up to at last. :)
When you said "chatlog" I thought you wanted to simply log chats, maybe to put on a web page somewhere.
The concept of separate chat windows has been discussed at some length in the past, see this thread: |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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