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Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Tue 06 Jun 2006 06:06 AM (UTC) Amended on Wed 17 Jun 2009 01:20 AM (UTC) by Cbond
| Command: gwhere
Handler: do_gwhere
Min level: 63
Min posn: any (dead)
Log: normal
SYNTAX: gwhere
gwhere <low> <high>
gwhere <low> <high> mobs
DESCRIPTION: The GWHERE command displays a global location
list of the targets specified; name of target
and level, vnum/name of room, and name of area
are all displayed, where <low><high> indicates
the level of the players or MOBs. If level
criterias are not defined, all will be displayed.
Add comments here ...
Global player locations:
(65) Nick [10334 - Darkhaven Academy ] Clerics East Cage
1 characters found.
gwhere 10 11 mobs
Global mob locations:
(10) shargugh bro [6130 - Haon Dor ] A narrow trail through th
(10) goblin doom [3555 - Miden'nir ] A Long, Cavernous Tunnel
(10) goblin doom [3583 - Miden'nir ] On a Darkened Trail
(11) goblin doom [3552 - Miden'nir ] A Long, Cavernous Tunnel
(10) goblin doom [3553 - Miden'nir ] A Long, Cavernous Tunnel
(10) black jack b [3576 - Miden'nir ] "Black" Jack's Dusty Salo
(11) rat gigantic [7234 - Sewer ] The rat's lair
(11) homonculus h [7103 - Sewer ] A muddy bend in the sewer
(11) mud monster [7403 - Sewer ] Cave T-cross
(11) jones crunch [7419 - Sewer ] The square lair
(10) druidess [8914 - Holy Grove ] The red room
(10) druidess [8917 - Holy Grove ] The greenhouse
(10) druid [8918 - Holy Grove ] The dining hall
(10) dwarf son [6529 - Dwarven Village ] Stairs
(11) homonculus h [7104 - Sewer ] A junction in the sewer p
(10) wanderer [7422 - Sewer ] North tunnel
(10) morkoth [7418 - Sewer ] The square lair
(11) dwarf worker [6509 - Dwarven Village ] The Door to the Kingdom
(11) dwarf worker [6508 - Dwarven Village ] Along the Narrow North-So
(10) dwarf son [6531 - Dwarven Village ] Queen's waiting room
(11) homonculus h [7112 - Sewer ] An odd intersection
(11) wanderer [7422 - Sewer ] North tunnel
(10) morkoth [7423 - Sewer ] The L-shaped room.
(11) githyanki gi [808 - The Astral Plane ] Exploring the Astral Plan
(10) githyanki gi [833 - The Astral Plane ] Lost in the Astral Plane
(11) homonculus h [7016 - Sewer ] The ordinary bend
(11) soulless one [840 - The Astral Plane ] Walking the Silvery Stran
(11) soulless one [843 - The Astral Plane ] Walking the Silvery Stran
97 mobs found.
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
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