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Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Tue 06 Jun 2006 06:06 AM (UTC)

Amended on Wed 21 May 2008 04:37 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

Command:   makedeity
Handler:   do_makedeity
Min level: 61
Min posn:  any (dead)
Log:       always

     SYNTAX: makedeity <deity name>
DESCRIPTION: The MAKEDEITY command creates a new deity
             that may then be customized with the SETDEITY

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How to add new Deities
The first thing you need to do is create the deity file.  This is done using
the makedeity command.  So for example if you wanted a deity called Shaddai:
        makedeity Shaddai
This creates the file and sets up some defaults and writes it to the list of
deities to load during bootup.
Then you use setdeity to setup the deity the way you would like it.
*filename -- This will change the filename of the deity file and will also
        update the list of deities to loadup at bootup.  To change a deity
        file for the deity Shaddai you would use:
                setdeity shaddai filename Shaddai.dty
*name --  This will change the name of the deity that everyone uses to devote
        too, etc...  For example to change the deity Shaddai to Nivek you
        would use:
                setdeity shaddai name Nivek

*description -- This is the Description that is given when a mortal uses the
        deities <deity name> command.  It can be changed by using the command
                setdeity shaddai description
        This will drop you into an editor and then you can work on it just like
        you would a note or a room description.

*alignment -- This is the alignment of the deity, it affects several things,
        first if a mortal supplicates a avatar, then the avatar is the same
        alignment as the deity.  Also if your alignment is too far off what
        your deities is, then you will start lossing favor. To set a neutral
        deity for example would be:
                setdeity shaddai alignment 0 

*worshippers -- This is how many people currently worship (are devoted) to the
        deity.  This number really doesn't need to be changed.
*npcfoe -- This is the # of the race that the deity "dislikes" so you get more
        favour of killing a mob of this race. For example to set this deities
        npcfoe to coder which lets say is race #4, you could do either:
                setdeity shaddai npcfoe 4               OR
                setdeity shaddai npcfoe coder

*susceptnum -- This sets the amount of favour needed otherwise, you get
        set to any suscepts the deity has.  For example if it was set to
        500 and your favour was 400, you would be susceptible to whatever
        this deities suscepts are.
                setdeity shaddai susceptnum 500

*race   -- If this is set then this deity only accepts worshippers of a certain
        race.  This too can be set by the name of the race or by the number.
        So for example if you wanted the deity so only humans can devote to
        it you would do:
                setdeity shaddai race human
        To clear this value set it to -1, like this:
                setdeity shaddai race -1

*race2  -- If this is set 2 races can devote to this deity, but it will only be
        checked if race is set as well.  So if you wanted Shaddai deity to
        have worshippers of humans AND dwarfs, you would do this:
                setdeity shaddai race2 dwarf
        Just like above to clear this flag set it to -1.

*npcrace -- This is similar to npcfoe, but you get a little less favour from
        killing these than a npcfoe.
                setdeity shaddai npcrace human

- Nick Gammon,

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