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Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Tue 06 Jun 2006 06:06 AM (UTC) Amended on Thu 22 Jun 2006 05:14 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon
| Command: olist
Handler: do_olist
Min level: 54
Min posn: any (dead)
Log: normal
Syntax: olist
: olist <first object>
: olist <first object> <last object>
This command will list all of the prototype objects in your area, when used
with no arguments. When used with a single argument it will list all
objects including and after the argument, and when used with two arguments,
it will list all objects including and between the two.
Add comments here ...
olist 21000 23000
21000) potion violet glowing (a glowing violet potion)
21001) potion purple glowing (a glowing purple potion)
21002) puce potion glowing (a glowing puce potion)
21003) potion maroon glowing (a glowing maroon potion)
21004) potion blue glowing (glowing blue potion)
21005) scroll recall (recall scroll)
21006) tablet magical identify (a magical tablet)
21007) scroll detect invis (a scroll of detect invisibility)
21008) beer bottle (a bottle of beer)
21009) whiskey bottle (a bottle of whiskey)
21010) mug ale (a mug of ale)
21014) salami (a slice of salami)
21015) beef (a big chunk of beef)
21016) turkey (a cooked turkey)
21017) bottle milk (a bottle of milk)
See also: and |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
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