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Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Tue 06 Jun 2006 06:06 AM (UTC) Amended on Thu 22 Jun 2006 05:43 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon
| Command: rlist
Handler: do_rlist
Min level: 53
Min posn: any (dead)
Log: normal
Syntax: rlist
: rlist <first room>
: rlist <first room> <last room>
This command will list all of the prototype rooms in your area, when used
with no arguments. When used with a single argument it will list all
rooms including and after the argument, and when used with two arguments,
it will list all rooms including and between the two.
Add comments here ...
rlist 2400 2420
2400) The Main Gate
2401) Before the Front Door
2402) East of the Front Door
2403) West of the Front Door
2404) Southwest Corner of the Manor
2405) Southeast Corner of the Manor
2406) The Foyer
2407) The Basement
2408) A Luxurious Living Room
2409) The Secret Room
2410) A Comfortable Study
2411) The Kitchen
2412) West of the Manor
2413) Continuing Along the West Side of the Manor
2414) Northwest Corner of the Manor
2415) East of the Manor
2416) Continuing Along the East Side of the Manor
2417) Northeast Corner of the Manor
2418) The Backyard
2419) The Second Floor Landing
2420) A Large Bathroom
See also:
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
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