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Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Tue 06 Jun 2006 06:06 AM (UTC)

Amended on Thu 22 Jun 2006 05:34 AM (UTC) by Nick Gammon

Command:   zones
Handler:   do_zones
Min level: 55
Min posn:  any (dead)
Log:       normal

Syntax: zones [low] [high]

Lists the name of the file, and room/mob/object vnum range for each
non-prototype zone in the mud.

Add comments here ...



limbo.are      | Rooms:     2 - 99    Objs:     2 - 99    Mobs:     1 - 99   
newgate.are    | Rooms:   100 - 199   Objs:   100 - 199   Mobs:   100 - 199  
astral.are     | Rooms:   800 - 899   Objs:   800 - 899   Mobs:   800 - 899  
gods.are       | Rooms:  1200 - 1201  Objs:  1200 - 1200  Mobs:  1200 - 1200 
srefuge.are    | Rooms:  1500 - 1599  Objs:  1500 - 1599  Mobs:  1500 - 1599 
pixie.are      | Rooms:  2070 - 2099  Objs:  2070 - 2076  Mobs:  2070 - 2073 
unholy.are     | Rooms:  2101 - 2172  Objs:  2101 - 2150  Mobs:  2101 - 2120 
manor.are      | Rooms:  2400 - 2499  Objs:  2400 - 2499  Mobs:  2405 - 2484 
chapel.are     | Rooms:  3405 - 3475  Objs:  3400 - 3430  Mobs:  3400 - 3416 
midennir.are   | Rooms:  3500 - 3590  Objs:  3500 - 3550  Mobs:  3500 - 3550 
grave.are      | Rooms:  3600 - 3651  Objs:  3600 - 3613  Mobs:  3600 - 3605 
haon.are       | Rooms:  6000 - 6156  Objs:  6000 - 6155  Mobs:  6000 - 6117 
dwarven.are    | Rooms:  6500 - 6554  Objs:  6502 - 6519  Mobs:  6500 - 6517 
daycare.are    | Rooms:  6601 - 6651  Objs:  6600 - 6647  Mobs:  6600 - 6610 
sewer.are      | Rooms:  7001 - 7445  Objs:  7190 - 7310  Mobs:  7000 - 7206 
redferne.are   | Rooms:  7900 - 7918  Objs:  7909 - 7911  Mobs:  7900 - 7900 
grove.are      | Rooms:  8901 - 8999  Objs:  8900 - 8919  Mobs:  8900 - 8911 
Build.are      | Rooms:  9500 - 9589  Objs:     0 - 0     Mobs:     0 - 0    
export.are     | Rooms:  9810 - 9899  Objs:  9810 - 9899  Mobs:  9800 - 9899 
newacad.are    | Rooms: 10300 - 10499 Objs: 10300 - 10499 Mobs: 10300 - 10499
newdark.are    | Rooms: 21000 - 21499 Objs: 21000 - 21435 Mobs: 21000 - 21499
gallery.are    | Rooms: 24800 - 24899 Objs: 24800 - 24899 Mobs: 24800 - 24899
Areas listed: 22  Loaded: 22

- Nick Gammon,

The dates and times for posts above are shown in Universal Co-ordinated Time (UTC).

To show them in your local time you can join the forum, and then set the 'time correction' field in your profile to the number of hours difference between your location and UTC time.


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