my version was 3.78 and i don't know what stuff has been changed... resulting in this error. finally! how to revise it?
ArrayDelete "spells"
ArrayCreate "spells"
t = {
Shield = 1,
['Mental barrier'] = 1,
['Underwater breathing'] = 1,
Armor = 1,
Bless = 1,
Blur = 1,
['Enhanced strength'] = 1,
['Adrenaline control'] = 1,
Avoidance = 1,
Aid = 1,
['Thought shield'] = 1,
['Detect magic'] = 1,
['Detect invis'] = 1,
['Magic circle'] = 1,
['Mystic might'] = 1,
['Giant strength'] = 1,
['Inertial barrier'] = 1,
Accelerate =1,
Enlightenment =1,
Displacement =1,
['Harden body'] =1,
['Godly embrace'] =1,
['Flesh armor'] =1,
Absorb =1,
backt = {
['Energy containment'] =1,
['Magical rush'] =1,
['Prayer of fortune'] =1,
Sanctuary =1,
['Intellect fortress'] =1,
['Indestructible aura'] =1,
Perception =1,
['True seeing'] =1,
Frenzy =1,
['Stone skin'] =1,
Calculation =1,
['Divine swiftness'] =1,
Revelation =1,
Rally =1,
['Channel energy'] =1,
['Line of protection'] =1,
Warmth =1,
Compression =1,
['Antimagic shell'] =1,
Vaccinate =1,
Acidproof =1,
['Energy shield'] =1,
Awakening =1,
Shockproof =1,
['Holy mirror'] =1,
Lightspeed =1,
['Self harmony'] =1,
['Grey aura'] =1,
['Toxic resistance'] =1,
ArrayImport ("spells", t)
AddTriggerEx("deleteall", [[^You are affected by (.*?) and (.*?)]], [[
local bb = ArrayListKeys ("spells")
if bb == nil then
--Note ("")
for k, v in pairs (ArrayListKeys ("spells")) do
Send ("cast ".."'"..v.."'")
DoAfterSpecial (1, [[
ArrayDelete "spells"
DeleteTrigger("deleteall")]], 12)
]], 1+32+1024, -1, 0, "", "", 12, 99)
AddTriggerEx("casted", [[^Spell \\: ([\\w\\s]+) \\(]], [[
ArrayDeleteKey ("spells", "%%1")
]], 1+32+1024, -1, 0, "", "", 12, 99)
Send ("saff")