This is how I got MUSHclient to work under Ubuntu (Linux) version 7.04. I used a stand-alone boot disk, so this is from a totally clean install.
First step was to download the MUSHclient installer from this web site and save to the desktop:

Next I had to install Wine (you can skip this step if you have Wine installed already)
Installation instructions for Wine are at I followed those instructions by opening a Terminal window from the Ubuntu Applications menu:

I then typed (copied and pasted, actually) the following instructions from the Wine web site:
wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -
sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install wine
These instructions may be out of date after December 2007, I suggest you check the current install instructions at the winehq web site.
Now that we have Wine installed, we need to install MUSHclient. Since I had the installer on my desktop I typed:
cd Desktop
wine mushclient418.exe
This ran the standard installer, which created the usual files. Now to actually execute MUSHclient:

When it starts you get a couple of messages about the initial installation, and "can't start help". I used the Connection menu -> Quick Connect to connect to a MUD and saw this:

The font looks a bit strange, so I edited the Output configuration and changed it:

Ditto for the input font, and the font colour:

After doing that the display looks quite respectable:
