I am pleased to release version 4.42 of MUSHclient. See the release notes for more details.
- Fixed various bugs.
- Changed the way the current directory is managed, which should make plugins work better.
- Added functions to let you play sounds already loaded into memory, and draw images already loaded into memory.
- Added functionality for scripts to draw PNG images which have an alpha mask.
- Fixed problem where Ctrl+C would not copy selected text in the output window under certain circumstances.
- Changed to not use the Registry at all, except for migrating from older versions. This will help for portable (USB drive) installations of MUSHclient.
- Added support for right-clicking on miniwindow hotspots.
- Added two new modules into the lua directory, to support some miniwindow functions.
- Some documentation improvements.
Note: Because of a the change to the way MUSHclient stores your most-recently-opened file list, and your toolbar locations, when you first run this version of MUSHclient you will notice the following things:
- You will probably see a message "I notice that this is the first time you have used MUSHclient on this PC.". This is because the first-time flag has moved from the Registry to the SQLite database.
- Your toolbars will reset to their default locations.
- Your recently-opened files will no longer appear in the File menu.
You can view the release notes for version 4.42
You can download MUSHclient 4.42 now from ...
You are strongly advised to backup (make a copy of) your existing MUSHclient world files before upgrading. Just in case.
If there are any problems, please post messages to the Bug Reports, Suggestions, or General parts of this forum.
MD5 sum for the installer
If you do an md5sum on mushclient442.exe you should get this result:
The forum post a small script to sumcheck the MUSHclient download shows how you can write a small script in MUSHclient to do the sumcheck.
One way of doing an md5sum is to download the Installer_sumcheck plugin from the Plugins page (RH click that link and "save link as" to get the plugin). Then install the plugin (see the File menu -> Plugins) and type "md5sum" which lets you browse to the installer file, load it, and display the sumcheck.
Message about "Failed to load resources file"
Some users are reporting getting a message like "
Failed to load resources file: C:\Programme\MUSHclient\locale\DE.dll - trying English file" when starting MUSHclient (the DE.dll part might be another language like FR.dll).
This will be because you have customized the "locale" of MUSHclient to other than EN (English).
See the How to localize MUSHclient messages into other languages forum posting for more details about localization.
To fix this, find the directory you installed MUSHclient into (eg. "C:\Program Files\MUSHclient\") and then locate the subdirectory "locale". In that you will find a file en.dll. Copy or rename that file to match the missing file in the message (eg. copy en.dll to de.dll).
Alternative suggestion: Go into the File menu -> Global Preferences -> General, and change the field "Locale code" back to "EN" (English) and then it should look for EN.DLL next time.
Warning about Lua 5.1 upgrade
MUSHclient version 3.80 upgraded the Lua script engine from Lua 5.0.2 to 5.1.1. If you are upgrading to this version from an earlier version than 3.80, you should read Version 3.80 released - with Lua 5.1 script engine - this post has recommendations about what is required if you use Lua scripting or Lua plugins.
Warning about upgrading from versions prior to 3.21
MUSHclient version 3.85 (onwards) no longer reads the old "binary" world files produced by versions prior to 3.21. For more information about this please read the forum post Versions 3.85 onwards no longer support world files created prior to version 3.21 - this post has recommendations about how to upgrade your world files if you are upgrading from a version earlier than 3.21.
Note that version 3.21 was released about 5 years ago, so people who have recently installed MUSHclient should not have any problems.
The diffs for the source compared to version 4.41 are at http://www.gammon.com.au/files/mushclient/src/version_4.42_diffs.txt
The md5sum for the diffs file is 0ae2534dd320ea1812ed056dc26b3454.