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➜ Running the server
➜ Adding Areas... quick question ?
Adding Areas... quick question ?
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Posted by
| Gatewaysysop
(14 posts) Bio
| Tue 04 Jun 2002 05:45 AM (UTC) |
| I know I've been asking a lot, but this one is really important to me, and should also be fairly simple for those more experienced at this.
I've downloaded a few areas that I wanted to try running through in the 'local' game I'm playing with at the moment. I've downloaded the area editor (it seems awesome) and I'm still trying to figure it out as well. My question is how to properly integrate the new areas. This is what I've done:
In the area editor open the skills, commands, socials .dat's
(it errored out until I did this when opening area files prior to this, not sure why).
Open the new addon area, and the area I want to 'connect' it to in the game.
Add an exit that links the two areas together.
Save both files, over-write the original .are (the one I bridged on to) and save the addon area into the /areas folder under smaug's main directory.
Alter the areas.lst to reflect a new area <filename.are>
reboot Smaug
After I did this, I was able to transfer to where I had tacked the new area on, and sure enough it was present and apparently fully functional. Have I missed step or left out something critical? I'd like to think it was this simple to add areas to the game (including my own creations once I have more time) but I've never had much in the way of begginers luck.
Thanks again for any info! | Top |
Posted by
| Zhamel
USA (67 posts) Bio
| Reply #1 on Tue 04 Jun 2002 06:15 AM (UTC) |
| You have not missed a step. The only other thing I could think of that you need to do is make sure the new areas vnums do not over lap with another area. | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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