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 Entire forum ➜ Programming ➜ General ➜ zmud -> Mushclient script

zmud -> Mushclient script

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Posted by Ashass   (50 posts)  Bio
Date Sat 22 Nov 2008 03:48 PM (UTC)
I've been having trouble converting a zmud script into mushclient, it's a pretty complicated script and would appreciate any/all help I may receive!

#DELCLASS Brewscript
#ALIAS Brewing {#IF %trigger(BrewScript) {#T- BrewScript;#SAY Brewscript OFF} {#T+ BrewScript;#SAY Brewscript ON}}

#CLASS {BrewScript}
#ALIAS gourds {#VAR gourd_sorting 1;#VAR gourd_list "|";#VAR gourd_affects "|";#VAR gourd_inv "";inven}
#ALIAS apply {#IF %begins( "%-1", "'") {#VAR use_gourd %word( "%-1", 2, "'")} {#VAR use_gourd {%1}};~apply %-1}
#ALIAS toss {#IF %begins( "%-1", "'") {#VAR use_gourd %word( "%-1", 2, "'")} {#VAR use_gourd {%1}};~toss %-1}
#ALIAS quaff {#IF %begins( "%-1", "'") {#VAR use_gourd %word( "%-1", 2, "'")} {#VAR use_gourd {%1}};~quaff %-1}
#ALIAS check_gourds {lore '%item( @gourd_inv, @gourd_num)';#IF %eval( %numitems( @gourd_inv) < @gourd_num) {#VAR gourd_sorting 0;#VAR gourd_inv "";inven}}
#ALIAS remove_gourd {#IF %isnumber( %left( @use_gourd, 1)) {#VAR gourd_num %left( @use_gourd, 1);#VAR use_gourd %right( @use_gourd, 2)} {#VAR gourd_num 1};#IF %len( %2) {#VAR gourd_count %numitems( @gourd_list);#WHILE @gourd_count {#IF %begins( %item( @gourd_list, @gourd_count), %1) {#DELNITEM gourd_list @gourd_count;#DELNITEM gourd_affects @gourd_count;#VAR gourd_count 0} {#ADD gourd_count -1;#IF %eval( @gourd_count = 0) {#SAY ERROR - could not find a match for the used gourd - last}}}} {#IF %eval( (@gourd_num = 1) & %len( %1)) {#VAR gourd_count %ismember( %1, @gourd_list);#DELNITEM gourd_list @gourd_count;#DELNITEM gourd_affects @gourd_count} {#IF %len( %1) {#VAR use_gourd {%1}};#VAR gourd_count 1;#WHILE @gourd_count {#IF %begins( %item( @gourd_list, @gourd_count), @use_gourd) {#IF %eval( @gourd_num > 1) {#ADD gourd_num -1;#ADD gourd_count 1} {#DELNITEM gourd_list @gourd_count;#DELNITEM gourd_affects @gourd_count;#VAR gourd_count 0}} {#ADD gourd_count 1;#IF %eval( @gourd_count > %numitems( @gourd_list)) {#VAR gourd_count 0;#SAY ERROR - could not find a match for the used gourd}}}}}}
#VAR gourd_affects {}
#VAR gourd_list {}
#VAR gourd_inv {}
#VAR use_gourd {}
#VAR gourd_num {0}
#VAR gourd_loops {0}
#VAR gourd_count {0}
#VAR gourd_sorting {0}
#TRIGGER {^You create a bubbling potion!$} {#T+ BrewScript|id_gourd;lore gourd}
#TRIGGER {^You are carrying:$} {#IF @gourd_sorting {#T+ BrewScript|sort_inv} {#T+ BrewScript|list_inv}}
#TRIGGER {^You apply a potion gourd of ([A-z ]) to} {remove_gourd {%param1}}
#TRIGGER {^You quaff a potion gourd of ([A-z ]).$} {remove_gourd {%param1}}
#TRIGGER {^You throw a gourd right at} {remove_gourd}
#TRIGGER {^A potion gourd of ([A-z ]) has evaporated from disuse.$} {remove_gourd {%param1} 1}
#TRIGGER {^You fumble around inexpertly with a potion gourd of ([A-z ]) accidentally spilling it.$} {remove_gourd {%param1}}

#CLASS {BrewScript|id_gourd} {disable}
#TRIGGER {^Level %d spells of: '(*)'.$} {#VAR gourd_list %concat( "|", %word( %param1, 1, "' '"), @gourd_list);#VAR gourd_affects %concat( "|", %replace( %remove( "' 'reserved", %param1), "' '", " / "), @gourd_affects);#IF @gourd_sorting {#ADD gourd_num 1;check_gourds} {#T- BrewScript|id_gourd}}
#TRIGGER {^Can't make heads or tails of it.$} {#IF @gourd_sorting {check_gourds} {lore gourd}}

#CLASS {BrewScript|list_inv} {disable}
#ALIAS list_gourd {#ADD gourd_count %max( 1, %numitems( %word( @gourd_list, @gourd_num, %concat( "|", @gourd_inv))));#SAY {%e[0m"     "gourd %ansi( brown)<@gourd_num>.@gourd_inv %e[0m(%ansi( cyan)%item( @gourd_affects, @gourd_count)%e[0m)};#ADD gourd_num 1;#IF %eval( @gourd_loops >= @gourd_num) {list_gourd}}
#TRIGGER {^     a potion gourd of ([A-z ])$} {#SUB {"     gourd" %ansi(brown)%param1 %e[0m(%ansi(cyan)%item(@gourd_affects,%ismember( %param1, @gourd_list))%e[0m)}}
#TRIGGER {$} {#T- BrewScript|list_inv}
#TRIGGER {^~(([ 0-9])~) a potion gourd of ([A-z ])$} {#GAG;#VAR gourd_count 1;#VAR gourd_num 1;#VAR gourd_loops %trim( %param1);#VAR gourd_inv %param2;list_gourd}

#CLASS {BrewScript|sort_inv} {disable}
#ALIAS add_gourds {#VAR gourd_inv {%concat( @gourd_count.@use_gourd, %if( %len( @gourd_inv), "|"), @gourd_inv)};#ADD gourd_count 1;#IF %eval( @gourd_count <= @gourd_num) {add_gourds}}
#TRIGGER {^     a potion gourd of ([A-z ])$} {#VAR gourd_inv {%concat( %param1, %if( %len( @gourd_inv), "|"), @gourd_inv)}}
#TRIGGER {^~(([ 0-9])~) a potion gourd of ([A-z ])$} {#VAR gourd_count 1;#VAR gourd_num %trim( %param1);#VAR use_gourd {%param2};add_gourds}
#TRIGGER {$} {#T- BrewScript|sort_inv;#T+ BrewScript|id_gourd;#VAR gourd_num 1;check_gourds}
#SAY Brewscript installed version 1.1

Posted by Terry   USA  (87 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #1 on Mon 23 Nov 2009 03:43 AM (UTC)
I remembered this coming up before, so I did a quick search in the forums. Here's what I found. If it doesn't help, I'll take another look and see if I can write something up for you. :)

Posted by Twisol   USA  (2,257 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #2 on Mon 23 Nov 2009 06:16 AM (UTC)

Amended on Mon 23 Nov 2009 06:17 AM (UTC) by Twisol

My god... I can't imagine there could have been any better timing here.

EDIT: Well, I misread the original AM as a PM, but really, this is just too funny.

'Soludra' on Achaea


Posted by Terry   USA  (87 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #3 on Tue 24 Nov 2009 03:42 AM (UTC)
Oh wow... Lmao, I didn't even notice the year... I thought he just posted earlier yesterday. XD

Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,070 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #4 on Tue 24 Nov 2009 04:45 AM (UTC)
Someone is going around answering old threads. ;)

A year and a day isn't too bad, eh?

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Terry   USA  (87 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #5 on Tue 24 Nov 2009 06:21 PM (UTC)
I try to do my civic duty. :) *chants* What do we want? An answer! When do we want it? *archives chant to be finished at a later time*

Posted by Nick Cash   USA  (626 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #6 on Tue 24 Nov 2009 09:17 PM (UTC)

Amended on Fri 21 Jan 2011 07:16 AM (UTC) by Nick Cash

Heh, when I first started posting I went and found each SWR post and responded to it if it hadn't been solved already... even if I was two or three years late!

Who knows, maybe someone will find them (or this post) and it will help them solve their questions! In the mean time, post_count++ :)

~Nick Cash

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