Larkin said:
The "find" functionality only searches for nearby rooms, which means you can't easily look up rooms in other areas and you can't find rooms while offline. I feel like there should be a 'mapper nearby (wildcard)' and a more general 'mapper find (wildcard)' to keep them separate and both useful at the same time.
Well that is a straight database lookup. Already in the plugin is this:
local rooms = {}
local count = 0
-- find matching rooms using FTS3
for row in db:nrows(string.format ("SELECT uid, name FROM rooms_lookup WHERE rooms_lookup MATCH %s",
fixsql (wildcards [1]))) do
rooms [row.uid] = true
count = count + 1
end -- finding room
It uses that information to see if anything in the rooms array is nearby. To find things anywhere just display the resulting rooms and descriptions.
Larkin said:
The ATCP mapper updates when you see into rooms other than your own, such as a GLANCE, OBSERVE, SCRY, etc. Not a big deal, but thought it worth noting as it goofs up the map display and could affect someone actively mapping out an area.
Sounds like a bug if they are sending down room info without making it clear it isn't the room you are in.
Larkin said:
That said, I've always found it very useful to be able to render the map for an arbitrary room, just to get a picture of where someone or something is located before I jump in. Maybe an alias for that?
An alias that calls mapper.draw for any supplied room number would do that, certainly.
Larkin said:
It's also nice to have an alias that shows you the room info for an arbitrary room, listing the environment, exits to whichever rooms, and anything else that might be stored. I know the map does that with mouseover tooltips, but an alias might still be useful. Easy for someone like to me to implement, anyway, so not a big deal.
Again, a simple SELECT of the database would achieve that.
Larkin said:
I've found it helpful to compute a path to a certain room without actually starting along that path right away. Sometimes you want to go at your own pace, but you'd like to know how to get from A to B.
I initially displayed that, then took it out in favour of a hyperlink that "just does it". However if you call "build_speedwalk (path)" - that will return the speedwalk string.
Larkin said:
I'm trying to convince IRE to add more details to their XML map format, so we can hopefully improve the map display with things like special exits and exit lengths.
I think their current position is that the coordinates value (which is in the database) tells you how far rooms are from each other.