sub createstatus (strAliasName, strOutput, arrWildCards)
world.WindowCreate "Status", 0, 0, 400, 800, 6, 0, world.ColourNameToRGB("white")
WindowFont "Status", "f", "Trebuchet MS", 12, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 0, 0
end sub
sub showstatus (strAliasName, strOutput, arrWildCards)
WindowShow "Status", true
end sub
sub hidestatus (strAliasName, strOutput, arrWildCards)
WindowShow "Status", false
end sub
sub writetext (strAliasName, strOutput, arrWildCards)
WindowText "Status", "f", "Quest Log", 5, 1, 0, 0,ColourNameToRGB ("blue"), false
WindowShow "Status", true
end sub
This now shows 'Quest Log' in blue font - that was the issue (font not having the window defined)
Preciate the quick help!
Nick, may I suggest, instead of win, maybe change it to "window name" in your samples so it's a little more intuitive?
Ah well! Nice job Twisol! |