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➜ MUSHclient
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➜ Improved Aardwolf "bigmap" miniwindow-based plugin
Improved Aardwolf "bigmap" miniwindow-based plugin
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Pages: 1
Posted by
| Safiya
(4 posts) Bio
| Reply #30 on Fri 07 Aug 2009 02:43 PM (UTC) Amended on Fri 07 Aug 2009 06:06 PM (UTC) by Safiya
| This plugin looks great but I can't seem to get the mouseovers or zone names to work at all. Are there options for this in game I just haven't found? Also the map never goes away when I enter an area regardless of the 'bigmap auto on/off' setting.
From a purely aesthetic perspective would it be possible to not have the dual targeting rings surrounding the player position? The near ring obscures the nearest surrounding tiles. Maybe instead of an inner ring just make the square the player is occupying currently stand out in a different manner. The outside ring is great.
Thank You
EDIT: The map is turning off/on properly now, mouseover/label issues remain.
EDIT 2: Well it only worked for a brief while and I cant get it to work again. I do not know if another plugin is messing with it or it is the plugin itself or simply user error.
If it helps, I am running the following plugins + AardMUSH client updated to 4.42:
Fiendish's Chat
Colored Consider Messages from here somewhere
Bast Spellups
Bast Quest Miniwindow
Bast Campaign Miniwindow
Blainers Inventory Miniwindow
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Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #31 on Fri 07 Aug 2009 09:28 PM (UTC) |
I can't seem to get the mouseovers or zone names to work at all
That is an experimental version I haven't released yet. It isn't supposed to work in your version. I am having some technical difficulties, for example in Vidblain all the zones are called the same thing. Also some zones are inside others (eg. the Academy is inside Aylor).
I cant get it to work again.
Maybe you toggled it off? If you type "bigmap" on its own it turns the map off permanently, until you type it again. Also check the plugin is enabled in the plugins list.
... would it be possible to not have the dual targeting rings surrounding the player position?
Sure, anything is possible. In the plugin are four sets of lines like this:
-- draw circle around us
WindowCircleOp (win, 1,
our_location_x - 20, our_location_y - 20,
our_location_x + 20, our_location_y + 20,
ColourNameToRGB "cornflowerblue", -- pen colour
0, -- solid pen
3, -- pen width
0, -- brush colour
1 ) -- null brush
The first two do the outer ring, which is a 3-pixel wide "cornflowerblue" ring, with a 1-pixel wide "cyan" ring in the middle of it. This is drawn 20 pixels out from where you are (see the + / - 20 above).
The second two do the inner ring, which is 8 pixels from where you are.
To get rid of one of the rings delete the appropriate batch of lines. To change the diameter change the "20" or the "8" to some other number.
You could make the rings narrower by changing the "3" (pen width) above to 2 or 1.
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Safiya
(4 posts) Bio
| Reply #32 on Sat 08 Aug 2009 03:00 AM (UTC) |
| Ok, thank you for the response and the info. I saw the screenshot with mouseovers and started drooling :P
As to the bigmap not hiding when it should, it varies from zone to zone it seems. For example I can go to Nulan or Flying Citadel and the BigMap always vanishes as it should and reappears when I leave. many other areas however, it does not go away.
I'll fiddle around with it s'more and try to note when it works and when it does not, maybe it'll be useful.
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Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #33 on Sat 08 Aug 2009 03:41 AM (UTC) |
| Ah, I noticed that a bit too - the auto hide doesn't always work. Here's why ...
When you are "at large" on the big map, the server sends your coordinates, which are what you see at the bottom of the map, like this:
This means you are at 45,22 in zone 2.
When you enter a zone it sometimes sends:
When the plugin sees that it hides the map. However some zones (eg. Aylor) don't send either. Thus, the map stays visible. I think, for example, in the Academy it sends "{coords}-1" so the big map disappears when you enter that.
I just made a macro key F5 which sends "bigmap" which toggles the map on and off, and hit F5 when I want to show/hide the map. |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
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