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Stops a file transfer in progress to that chat user


long ChatStopFileTransfer(long ID);

View list of data type meanings


If a file transfer is in progress (send or receive) it is aborted, and the user at the other end notified, if possible.

You can use GetChatInfo to see if a file transfer is in progress.

Each call is identified by its "chat ID" - each chat session has a unique ID, which starts at one, and is incremented by one, per world.

You can use GetChatList to find a list of chat IDs that is current.

You can use ChatGetID to find the chat ID corresponding to a particular chat name.

Available in MUSHclient version 3.37 onwards.

VBscript example

ChatStopFileTransfer ChatGetID ("peter")

Jscript example

ChatStopFileTransfer (ChatGetID ("peter"));

PerlScript example

ChatStopFileTransfer (ChatGetID ("peter"));

Python example

world.ChatStopFileTransfer (world.ChatGetID ("peter"))

Lua example

ChatStopFileTransfer (ChatGetID ("peter"))

Return value

eChatIDNotFound: That chat ID is not connected.
eNotTransferringFile: We are not transferring a file.
eOK: File transfer aborted.

View list of return code meanings

See Also ...


Chat system
Getting started


(ChatAcceptCalls) Accepts incoming chat calls
(ChatCall) Calls a chat server (makes an outgoing call) using the MudMaster chat protocol
(ChatCallzChat) Calls a zChat chat server (makes an outgoing call)
(ChatDisconnect) Disconnects a current chat call
(ChatDisconnectAll) Disconnects all current chat calls
(ChatEverybody) Sends a chat message to every connected chat user
(ChatGetID) Looks up what chat ID (identifier) corresponds to a particular chat name
(ChatGroup) Sends a chat message to every connected chat user in the specified group
(ChatID) Sends a chat message to a particular chat session
(ChatMessage) Sends a message to a chat user (raw format)
(ChatNameChange) Changes your chat name
(ChatNote) Does a note using ANSI codes for the chat system
(ChatPasteEverybody) Pastes the clipboard contents to every connected person
(ChatPasteText) Pastes the clipboard contents to that person
(ChatPeekConnections) Sends a "peek connections" message to the specified chat user
(ChatPersonal) Sends a chat message to a particular person
(ChatPing) Sends a ping message to the specified chat user
(ChatRequestConnections) Sends a "request connections" message to the specified chat user
(ChatSendFile) Starts sending a file to the specified chat user
(ChatStopAcceptingCalls) Stops this world from accepting chat calls
(GetChatInfo) Get information about a chat connection
(GetChatList) Gets the list of chat sessions
(GetChatOption) Gets the value of a chat session option
(SetChatOption) Sets the value of a chat session option

(Help topic: function=ChatStopFileTransfer)

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