Script function
Read about scripting
Gets the list of open worlds - returning their world IDs
VARIANT GetWorldIdList();
View list of data type meanings
Returns a variant array which is a list of the identifiers (IDs) of all open worlds.
This is safer than using GetWorldList because multiple worlds might have the same name.
Available in MUSHclient version 3.39 onwards.
VBscript example
for each id in world.GetWorldIdList
world.note id
Jscript example
worldlist = new VBArray(world.GetworldIdList()).toArray();
if (worldlist) // if not empty
for (i = 0; i < worldlist.length; i++)
Note (worldlist [i]);
PerlScript example
foreach $item (Win32::OLE::in ($world->GetWorldIdList))
Note ($item);
Python example
worldlist = world.GetworldIdList
if (worldlist ):
for w in worldlist : world.Note (w)
Lua example
-- --------------------------------------------------
-- Example showing sending a message all worlds
-- --------------------------------------------------
function SendToAllWorlds (message)
for k, v in pairs (GetWorldIdList ()) do
GetWorldById (v):Send (message)
SendToAllWorlds ("say Hi there")
Lua notes
See the description for GetWorld for more discussion about using "world" variables in Lua.
Return value
If there are no worlds then the return value is empty. Use "IsEmpty" to test for this possibility.
Otherwise, it returns a variant array containing the Ids of all the worlds. Use "ubound" to find the number of worlds in the list. You can then use "GetWorldById" to return a reference to that world.
See Also ...
World functions
(GetWorld) Gets an object reference to the named world
(GetWorldById) Gets an object reference to the world given its unique ID
(GetWorldList) Gets the list of open worlds - returning their world names
(Open) Opens a named document
(OpenBrowser) Opens a supplied URL in your default web browser
(Help topic: function=GetWorldIdList)