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The number of milliseconds delay between speed walk commands


short SpeedWalkDelay;

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This property is used to retrieve, or set, the number of milliseconds which elapses between sending speed walk commands (or commands sent with the Queue method).

The interval is in milliseconds. There are 1000 milliseconds to the second.

The valid range for the speed walk delay is 0 to 30000 milliseconds (0 to 30 seconds).

If the interval is zero, then commands are not queued, but are sent immediately, as fast as possible.

Setting the interval to zero, when it was previously some other value, flushes any outstanding commands from the queue, so they are sent immediately.

VBscript example

world.note world.SpeedWalkDelay ' display delay
world.SpeedWalkDelay = 5000 ' make delay 5 seconds

Jscript example

world.note(world.SpeedWalkDelay); // display delay
world.SpeedWalkDelay = 5000; // make delay 5 seconds

PerlScript example

$world->note ($world->{SpeedWalkDelay});  # display delay
$world->{SpeedWalkDelay} = 5000;  # make delay 5 seconds

Python example

world.note(world.SpeedWalkDelay) # display delay
world.SpeedWalkDelay = 5000 # make delay 5 seconds

Lua example

Note (GetSpeedWalkDelay ()) -- display delay
SetSpeedWalkDelay (5000) -- make delay 5 seconds

Lua notes

Lua implements this as two functions:

GetSpeedWalkDelay - gets the speedwalk delay
SetSpeedWalkDelay - sets the speedwalk delay

Return value

This is a property. You can review or change the number of milliseconds between sending speedwalk commands.

See Also ...


Getting started
Speed walking


(DiscardQueue) Discards the speed walk queue
(EvaluateSpeedwalk) Evaluates a speed walk string
(Queue) Queues a command for sending at the "speed walk" rate.
(RemoveBacktracks) Removes backtracks from a speed walk string
(ReverseSpeedwalk) Reverses a speed walk string

(Help topic: function=SpeedWalkDelay)

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