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Convert a string into a number


n = bit.tonumber (s, base)


This takes a string, and converts it into a number. Unlike the standard Lua tonumber function this function will handle up to a 52-bit number (the default Lua number conversion will only go to 32-bit numbers).


print (bit.tonumber ("A7C5AC471", 16)) -->  45035996273

The base is optional and defaults to 10. The base can be in the range 2 to 36. Fractional numbers are not supported, nor are numbers with exponents (eg. 10.24e15). For such numbers use the standard Lua "tonumber" function.

Because of limitations in the size of a floating point number, the maximum string value that can be converted is a 52 bit number, ie: hex FFFFFFFFFFFFF (decimal 4503599627370495).

Leading whitespace is skipped. After that, there can be an optional + or - sign.

See Also ...

Lua functions

bit.ashr - Shifts a number right, preserving sign - Bitwise 'and'
bit.bor - Bitwise 'or'
bit.clear - Clears one or more bits
bit.mod - Bitwise 'modulus' (remainder after integer divide)
bit.neg - Bitwise 'negate' (ones complement)
bit.shl - Shifts a number left
bit.shr - Shifts a number right
bit.test - Bitwise 'test'
bit.tostring - Convert a number into a string
bit.xor - Bitwise 'exclusive or'


Lua base functions
Lua bc (big number) functions
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(Help topic: lua=bit.tonumber)

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