SMAUG server
HTTP downloads
FUSS is an acronym for (F)ixed (U)p (S)MAUG (S)ource. FUSS contains all of the bug fixes linked to and listed in the SMAUG bug fixes list at the MUD Planet MUD Forums. It has also been made GPL compliant through the removal of the IMC2 GPL files.
Note - the FUSS files are not precompiled, you will need to compile them before running a MUD. Windows users are recommended to download and install Cygwin to do this.
Detailed information about doing compiles, getting a compiler, making changes, and other useful topics are in the web page How to make changes, including compiling.
If you want to install Cygwin (to compile Unix source under Windows) there is a guide to doing that at How to install Cygwin.
To add MXP (Mud eXtension Protocol) to SMAUG, see How to add MXP support to your MUD server. However, if you are using FUSS (below) you need a different patch file than mentioned on that page, see below.
- - 1.45 Mb - FUSS SMAUG Source, area files, classes, races, system directory etc.
- - 2.60 Mb - FUSS SMAUG Source, area files, classes, races, system directory etc.
- - 1.45 Mb - FUSS SMAUG Source, area files, classes, races, system directory etc.
- - 2.0 Mb - FUSS SMAUG v 1.9 - compiled version for Windows. Includes smaug.exe, resolver.exe, cygwin1.dll and cygz.dll. If you download this you also need smaugfuss1.9.tgz (above) for the area files and other relevant files. See forum posting about precompiled version for more details.
- - 1.06 Mb - SWR (Star Wars Reality) SMAUG Source, area files, classes, races, space directory, system directory etc.
- - 1.28 Mb - Star Wars - Fall of the Empire FUSS SMAUG Source, area files, classes, races, force, planets, ships, space directories, system directory etc.
- - 84 Kb - InterMUD-3 - Intermud-3 is a protocol initially designed for use on LP muds. It is meant to rely less on a mud's internal codebase structures to operate and is extremely stable, and can be readily expanded. It also supports a number of external mud to mud packet types which can be implemented on an individual basis. The protocol is also publically available, including some basic guidelines for router design. The code has now been adapted for use with Diku derived muds and has proven to be a much safer alternative to using IMC2 code. There is also no need to apply for a connection before actually hooking up your mud. Just plug in, set your configuration data, and connect.
- - 9 Kb - patch file to convert smaug14afuss.tgz to incorporate MXP. To apply download this file, "gunzip" it, navigate to your "src" directory, and then type "patch < smaugfuss_mxp_diffs.txt". Note that this patch was for an earlier version of SMAUG FUSS, it may not work perfectly.
- - 14 Kb - Code and instructions for replacing the stock SMAUG reset system with the new system found in SMAUG 1.6 FUSS (code by Samson).
- - 14 Kb - Code and instructions for replacing the stock SWR reset system with the new system found in SWR 1.1 FUSS (code by Samson).
- - 14 Kb - Code and instructions for replacing the stock SWFOTE reset system with the new system found in SWFOTE 1.2 FUSS (code by Samson).
Acknowledgement: The above FUSS files were obtained from The SMAUG FUSS project (
Original SMAUG
If you have problems setting up the server, see
FAQs about setting up a SMAUG server which covers common issues about the
SMAUG server.
The "executable" download above will run on Windows, you do not need to compile it or use Cygwin. However if you want to make changes (other than configuration file changes) then you need to download a "source" version, obtain a compiler, and recompile it. Detailed information about doing compiles is on the web page how to make changes, including compiling.
Click on Area Editor Downloads
to download the Area Editor.
Comments to Gammon Software support
Page updated on Thursday, 20 March 2008