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smaug ranged weapon damage

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Posted by Dace K   Canada  (169 posts)  Bio
Date Sun 20 Jun 2004 11:47 PM (UTC)
ch_ret projectile_hit in fight.c :P

..and that's called by ch_ret ranged_got_target, which is called by ch_ret ranged_attack, which is called by whatever skill/spell you're using :P


ASJ Games - .Dimension 2, Resident Evil, and snippets - oh my!

Drop by the area archives and find something for your mud.

Posted by Robert Powell   Australia  (367 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #1 on Mon 21 Jun 2004 04:05 AM (UTC)
Ok i have read through this peice of code a number of times and still dont make sence of where the damage values are comming from, tho i hazzard a guess that this is is what is happening,

 if ( !wield )       /* dice formula fixed by Thoric */
	dam = proj_bonus;
	dam = number_range(wield->value[1], wield->value[2]) + (proj_bonus / 10);

that if the MOB is shot by the projectile then the damage done is the values from the projectile, otherways if your wacking the MOB over the head with your ranged weapon then the damage done is the values from the ranged weapon + some from the projectile??
Im not much of a coder, but just need to work out how its working so i can work out some sort of game balance for ranged weapons when i add in new types for guns, rocket launchers and the like.
If anyone can help me decifer this would be greatly apreciated.

 * Hit one guy with a projectile.
 * Handles use of missile weapons (wield = missile weapon)
 * or thrown items/weapons
ch_ret projectile_hit( CHAR_DATA *ch, CHAR_DATA *victim, OBJ_DATA *wield,
		       OBJ_DATA *projectile, sh_int dist )
    int victim_ac;
    int thac0;
    int thac0_00;
    int thac0_32;
    int plusris;
    int dam;
    int diceroll;
    int	prof_bonus;
    int	prof_gsn = -1;
    int proj_bonus;
    int dt;
    ch_ret retcode;

    if ( !projectile )
	return rNONE;

    if ( projectile->item_type == ITEM_PROJECTILE 
    ||   projectile->item_type == ITEM_WEAPON )
	dt = TYPE_HIT + projectile->value[3];
	proj_bonus = number_range(projectile->value[1], projectile->value[2]);
	proj_bonus = number_range(1, URANGE(2, get_obj_weight(projectile), 100) );

     * Can't beat a dead char!
    if ( victim->position == POS_DEAD || char_died(victim) )
	return rVICT_DIED;

    if ( wield )
	prof_bonus = weapon_prof_bonus_check( ch, wield, &prof_gsn );
	prof_bonus = 0;

    if ( dt == TYPE_UNDEFINED )
	dt = TYPE_HIT;
	if ( wield && wield->item_type == ITEM_MISSILE_WEAPON )
	    dt += wield->value[3];

     * Calculate to-hit-armor-class-0 versus armor.
    if ( IS_NPC(ch) )
	thac0_00 = ch->mobthac0;
	thac0_32 =  0;
	thac0_00 = class_table[ch->class]->thac0_00;
	thac0_32 = class_table[ch->class]->thac0_32;
    thac0     = interpolate( ch->level, thac0_00, thac0_32 ) - GET_HITROLL(ch) + (dist*2);
    victim_ac = UMAX( -19, (int) (GET_AC(victim) / 10) );

    /* if you can't see what's coming... */
    if ( !can_see_obj( victim, projectile) )
	victim_ac += 1;
    if ( !can_see( ch, victim ) )
	victim_ac -= 4;

    /* Weapon proficiency bonus */
    victim_ac += prof_bonus;

     * The moment of excitement!
    while ( ( diceroll = number_bits( 5 ) ) >= 20 )

    if ( diceroll == 0
    || ( diceroll != 19 && diceroll < thac0 - victim_ac ) )
	/* Miss. */
	if ( prof_gsn != -1 )
	    learn_from_failure( ch, prof_gsn );

	/* Do something with the projectile */
	if ( number_percent() < 50 )
	    if ( projectile->in_obj )
	    if ( projectile->carried_by )
	    obj_to_room(projectile, victim->in_room);
	damage( ch, victim, 0, dt );
	tail_chain( );
	return rNONE;

     * Hit.
     * Calc damage.

    if ( !wield )       /* dice formula fixed by Thoric */
	dam = proj_bonus;
	dam = number_range(wield->value[1], wield->value[2]) + (proj_bonus / 10);

     * Bonuses.
    dam += GET_DAMROLL(ch);

    if ( prof_bonus )
	dam += prof_bonus / 4;

     * Calculate Damage Modifiers from Victim's Fighting Style
    if ( victim->position == POS_BERSERK )
       dam = 1.2 * dam;
    else if ( victim->position == POS_AGGRESSIVE )
       dam = 1.1 * dam;
    else if ( victim->position == POS_DEFENSIVE )
       dam = .85 * dam;
    else if ( victim->position == POS_EVASIVE )
       dam = .8 * dam;

    if ( !IS_NPC(ch) && ch->pcdata->learned[gsn_enhanced_damage] > 0 )
	dam += (int) (dam * LEARNED(ch, gsn_enhanced_damage) / 120);
	learn_from_success( ch, gsn_enhanced_damage );

    if ( !IS_AWAKE(victim) )
	dam *= 2;

    if ( dam <= 0 )
	dam = 1;

    plusris = 0;

    if ( IS_OBJ_STAT(projectile, ITEM_MAGIC) )
	dam = ris_damage( victim, dam, RIS_MAGIC );
	dam = ris_damage( victim, dam, RIS_NONMAGIC );

     * Handle PLUS1 - PLUS6 ris bits vs. weapon hitroll	-Thoric
    if ( wield )
	plusris = obj_hitroll( wield );
removed code here that related to weaponspells resist and immune to reduce post size

Just a guy having a bit of fun. Nothing more, nothing less, I do not need I WIN to feel validated.

Posted by David Haley   USA  (3,881 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #2 on Mon 21 Jun 2004 05:43 PM (UTC)
If a weapon is wielded then do the weapon's damage. Otherwise do proj_bonus damage.

If you look above in your function:
    if ( projectile->item_type == ITEM_PROJECTILE 
        ||   projectile->item_type == ITEM_WEAPON )
        dt = TYPE_HIT + projectile->value[3];
        proj_bonus = number_range(projectile->value[1], projectile->value[2]);
        dt = TYPE_UNDEFINED;
        proj_bonus = number_range(1, URANGE(2, get_obj_weight(projectile), 100) );

There you go...

David Haley aka Ksilyan
Head Programmer,
Legends of the Darkstone

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