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➜ ROM24 Help
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Posted by
| Lt_noodle
(39 posts) Bio
| Tue 07 Jun 2005 03:52 AM (UTC) |
| Hello everyone. This is my first post here but i've been looking at this great website for some time now out of my interest in making a rom mud.
I downloaded the rom24 file from
and i was wondering if you guys could help me by answering a few questions.
I used Microsoft Visual C++ Standard to "build" the source and header files. After the build a new folder was created somewhere in my c: drive with these following files:
Debug - folder
rom24 - NCB File
rom24 - HTML DOC
rom24.dsp - Project File
rom24.dsw - Project Workspace
rom24.opt - OPT File
Inside the Debug folder are the same files in the rom24/src folder but they are all .obj and there's also a rom24 application.
I know that these files was created by build in msvc++ but my question is what should i do with these files? Am i supposed to copy/paste it to the rom24 folder?
Oh and the way i used the build i followed the instructions from this link:
I have another question : Should i work with both Cygwin and Msvc++ or is it possible to run a mud with just one? And is compiling the same as building?
| Top |
Posted by
| Dralnu
USA (277 posts) Bio
| Reply #1 on Tue 07 Jun 2005 05:24 PM (UTC) |
| You can compile/make and run a MUD through Cygwin. I dunno about MS, but it might could handle it. Personally, I'd just d/l Cygwin and run it. it has just about all you need. | Top |
Posted by
| Lt_noodle
(39 posts) Bio
| Reply #2 on Tue 07 Jun 2005 09:58 PM (UTC) |
| Okay i have one more question. I downloaded cygwin and after i pick a server to download it from (i followed the installing cygwin page on this site), it shows me alot of stuff. I picked binutils, gdc, gdd (sp?), make, mkmake but after i installed it i run the bash file and when i type make it doesn't do anything. It says 'command not found'. I tried everything i even reinstalled it several times. My question is am i supposed to pick 'everything' in the list of packages that i need to install? And am i supposed to put all my rom24 files to the cygwin directory as well? Thanks.
PS: I also downloaded lopes colour patch from darkoth store, i followed all of the instructions but when i go run cygwin and type patch < patch-[directory]-colour2.0 nothing happens and it says the same thing as make "command not found". But when i go to c:cygwin the "make" and "patch" files are right there. Can someone tell me if i am typing the wrong thing? I checked the sections on top of this board about compiling and i also checked several sites about this but it just won't work. Any help i appreciate. Thanks. | Top |
Posted by
| Robert Powell
Australia (367 posts) Bio
| Reply #3 on Tue 07 Jun 2005 10:22 PM (UTC) Amended on Tue 07 Jun 2005 10:26 PM (UTC) by Robert Powell
Inside the Debug folder are the same files in the rom24/src folder but they are all .obj and there's also a rom24 application.
If you have an executable file/application, then run it, its pretty simple. You need to be inside the area directory then ../path/exefile to run it.
Object files are the source files compliled to an intermedeatory state and linked together to make an execuatable file, they are not needed as such but will make subsequent builds much faster as you only compile files that have changed.
The only downside is if you change a header .h file, then you need to clean and them make all again.
As for wether to cygwin or ms++ its up to you, if your looking to have your game hosted on paid hosting i would say cygwin as you need to be able to compile to linux binarys, if your going to self host on windows then use ms++, tho you will find that some code especially snippets my not work due to code not being totally compatable, and others like hotboot almost a waste of time trying. |
Just a guy having a bit of fun. Nothing more, nothing less, I do not need I WIN to feel validated. | Top |
Posted by
| Lt_noodle
(39 posts) Bio
| Reply #4 on Tue 07 Jun 2005 11:36 PM (UTC) |
| Okay please ignore my last post. I figured it out and now i followed everything in this page step by step
now when i go to a different directory and i type ls it says command not found. So i went to the src directory of smaug and copied all of the bin files from cygwin and pasted all of them in there (is this okay?). Now i compiled it and changed the -lregex.
i ran the mud (smaug.exe) and got this error
Reading area files...
area.lst: no such file or directory
Okay what i did is i copy/pasted all of the files inside the area directory. (Is this okay?)
| Top |
Posted by
| Zeno
USA (2,871 posts) Bio
| Reply #5 on Tue 07 Jun 2005 11:37 PM (UTC) |
| What are you using? Cygwin? If it doesn't have ls, you didn't install the correct packages. Rom is meant for *nix, so I don't know how well it'll run/compile in Windows. |
Zeno McDohl,
Owner of Bleached InuYasha Galaxy | Top |
Posted by
| Lt_noodle
(39 posts) Bio
| Reply #6 on Wed 08 Jun 2005 12:23 AM (UTC) |
| I have cygwin. What i am trying to say is for example i am at my my documents folder. In that folder i have all of the cygwin files and i ran bash, extracted the rom24b6 zip file. Now when i go back to my bash and when i type ls it lists all of my files in the my documents folder, but when i type cd rom24, it brings me to the rom24 folder then i type cd src and it brings me to that folder. Now i type ls and it says command not found. Every command that i could type couldn't be found. So am i supposed to paste all of the cygwin files in the src folder or am i making a mistake? | Top |
Posted by
| Zeno
USA (2,871 posts) Bio
| Reply #7 on Wed 08 Jun 2005 12:27 AM (UTC) |
| So yes, it it says command not found, you did not install certain packages. Or something went wrong with the install. |
Zeno McDohl,
Owner of Bleached InuYasha Galaxy | Top |
Posted by
| Lt_noodle
(39 posts) Bio
| Reply #8 on Wed 08 Jun 2005 12:30 AM (UTC) |
| Guys umm when i run bash. ls and all of the stuff works fine. But when i go to a different directory by typing cd [directory] and then i type ls or anything it just says command not found. Now i go back to the original folder and everything works. It's just that the commands only work on the same folder they're in. | Top |
Posted by
| Zeno
USA (2,871 posts) Bio
| Reply #9 on Wed 08 Jun 2005 12:34 AM (UTC) |
| Well personally I don't have any experience with Cygwin because I run my mud on *nix. So I'm not sure why. Try asking on the Cygwin mail list. |
Zeno McDohl,
Owner of Bleached InuYasha Galaxy | Top |
Posted by
| Flannel
USA (1,230 posts) Bio
| Reply #10 on Wed 08 Jun 2005 12:47 AM (UTC) |
| Can you post an example session? |
Messiah of Rose
Eternity's Trials.
Clones are people two. | Top |
Posted by
| Lt_noodle
(39 posts) Bio
| Reply #12 on Wed 08 Jun 2005 01:33 AM (UTC) |
| deity.o sdiff.exe
df.exe sed.exe
diff.exe semstat.exe
diff3.exe semtool.exe
dir.exe seq.exe
dircolors.exe services.c
dirname.exe services.o
djpeg.exe setfacl.exe
dlltool.exe sh.exe
dllwrap.exe sha1sum.exe
dos2unix.exe shmtool.exe
dprofpp shops.c
du.exe shops.o
dump.exe shred.exe
dumper.exe shutdown.txt
dumpgdbm-1.3.22.exe size.exe
dumpgdbm-1.5.2.exe skills.c
dumpgdbm.exe skills.o
echo-client-2.exe sleep.exe
echo.exe smaug.exe
editdiff soelim.exe
editrights.exe sort.exe
egrep special.c
enc2xs special.o
env.exe splain
eqn.exe split.exe
eqn2graph splitdiff
espdiff ssp.exe
ex startup
expand.exe stat.exe
expect.exe stat_obj.c
expr.exe stat_obj.o
factor.exe strace.exe
false.exe strings.exe
fc-cache.exe strip.exe
fc-list.exe stty.exe
fgrep su
fight.c sum.exe
fight.o sync.exe
file.exe tables.c
fileman.exe tables.o
filterdiff.exe tac.exe
find.exe tack.exe
find2perl tail.exe
fixcvsdiff tar.exe
flipdiff tbl.exe
fmt.exe tcl84.dll
fold.exe tclpip84.dll
fontconfig-config tclsh.exe
freetype-config tclsh84.exe
g++.exe tcsh.exe
gawk-3.1.4.exe tee.exe
gawk.exe test.exe
gcc.exe testdbm.exe
gccbug testgdbm.exe
gcov.exe testndbm.exe
gdb.exe texi2dvi
gdbtui.exe texi2pdf
getclip.exe texindex.exe
getfacl.exe tfmtodit.exe
getopt.exe tic.exe
gkill.exe tifficc.exe
glib-genmarshal.exe tk84.dll
glib-gettextize toe.exe
glib-mkenums touch.exe
gobject-query.exe tput.exe
gprof.exe tr.exe
grep.exe track.c
grepdiff track.o
grn.exe troff.exe
grodvi.exe true.exe
groff.exe tset.exe
groffer tsort.exe
grog tty.exe
grolbp.exe typelib-dump.exe
grolj4.exe u2d.exe
grops.exe umount.exe
grotty.exe uname.exe
groups unexpand.exe
grub.c uniq.exe
grub.o unix2dos.exe
gunzip.exe unlink.exe
gzexe unwrapdiff
gzip.exe update.c
h2ph update.o
h2xs updatedb
handler.c users.exe
handler.o uxterm
hashstr.c vdir.exe
hashstr.o vi
head.exe view
hostid.exe vim.exe
hostname.exe vimdiff
hpftodit.exe vimtutor
i686-pc-cygwin-c++.exe wc.exe
i686-pc-cygwin-g++.exe webclient.c
i686-pc-cygwin-gcc-3.3.3 webserver.c
i686-pc-cygwin-gcc.exe whatis
ibuild.c which.exe
ibuild.o who.exe
icc2ps.exe whoami.exe
icclink.exe windres.exe
icctrans.exe wish.exe
ice.c wish84.exe
ice.h wrjpgcom.exe
icec-merc.h wtpt.exe
icec-mercbase.c xargs.exe
icec-mercbase.h xsubpp
icec.c xterm.exe
icec.h xxd.exe
iced.c yes.exe
iced.h zcat.exe
id.exe zcmp
ident.c zdiff
ident.o zegrep
idle zfgrep
igawk zforce
imc-comm.h zgrep
imc-config.c zless
imc-config.h zmore
imc-events.c znew
imc-interp.c zsh-4.2.4.exe
imc-mail.c zsh.exe
bash-2.05b$ cd ..
bash-2.05b$ ls
bash: ls: command not found
bash-2.05b$ | Top |
Posted by
| Lt_noodle
(39 posts) Bio
| Reply #13 on Wed 08 Jun 2005 01:35 AM (UTC) |
| Okay i deleted the first half of the ls but i assure you guys everything is in there. I just don't know if i am allowed to do like a triple post or something but if you guys wanna see it i'll post it here if its okay. | Top |
Posted by
| Lt_noodle
(39 posts) Bio
| Reply #14 on Wed 08 Jun 2005 01:51 AM (UTC) |
| Okay i think i figured it out that i'll just run smaug 4000 than startup & for now. When i run smaug 4000, it shows me this.
bash-2.05b$ smaug 4000
Tue Jun 7 18:48:45 2005 :: Booting Database
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tue Jun 7 18:48:45 2005 :: [*****] BOOT: ---------------------[ Boot Log ]-----
Tue Jun 7 18:48:45 2005 :: Loading commands
Tue Jun 7 18:48:45 2005 :: Loading sysdata configuration...
Tue Jun 7 18:48:45 2005 :: Loading socials
Tue Jun 7 18:48:45 2005 :: Loading skill table
Tue Jun 7 18:48:45 2005 :: Sorting skill table...
Tue Jun 7 18:48:45 2005 :: Remapping slots to sns
Tue Jun 7 18:48:45 2005 :: Loading classes
Tue Jun 7 18:48:45 2005 :: Loading races
Tue Jun 7 18:48:45 2005 :: Loading herb table
Tue Jun 7 18:48:45 2005 :: Loading tongues
Tue Jun 7 18:48:45 2005 :: Making wizlist
Tue Jun 7 18:48:45 2005 :: Initializing request pipe
Tue Jun 7 18:48:45 2005 :: Initializing random number generator
Tue Jun 7 18:48:45 2005 :: Setting time and weather
Tue Jun 7 18:48:45 2005 :: Assigning gsn's
Tue Jun 7 18:48:45 2005 :: Reading in area files...
area.lst: No such file or directory
What am i gonna do? This thing worked and kept on going until the ready to rock 4000 thingy when i copied the area files to src but am i really supposed to transfer the area files to src folder? | Top |
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