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Need A Program

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Posted by Zehava   (1 post)  [Biography] bio
Date Mon 23 Apr 2001 07:22 PM (UTC)
I am building a program that when the player enters the room a mobile will cast a spell.. say.. poison gas on the player. .. how would i do this.. i have never built a program... or is there an easier way to do it?

ICQ= 61771993

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Posted by Kris   USA  (198 posts)  [Biography] bio
Date Reply #1 on Mon 23 Apr 2001 08:37 PM (UTC)
You've got the right idea. It's actually absurdly simple. You make it a greet_prog, and, if using area editor, you put the probability (percentage from 1-99) of the program triggering in the 'arguments' field. If not using area editor, then it would be: greet_prog 99~ (this would make it so it fires 99% of the time; 100% never works for me)
After that, you put in the command:

cast 'gas breath' $n

$n tells the mob to cast the spell 'gas breath' on the player or mob that activated the trigger, in this case the player or mob that entered the room. Mobs can perform special admin commands as well (i.e. disconnect, slay, goto, transfer, etc). These are called 'mpcommands'. I would suggest you emerse yourself in some useful help files to start out, and then play around with them; get creative. Try the following help files:

help mpcommands
help mptriggers
help variables
help ifchecks

That should get you started. I also recommend you read the related help files it lists. If you want help on a specific ifcheck, then you do 'help ifcheck <ifcheck>'; i.e. if you want to know exactly how to use the ifcheck 'level', then you would type 'help ifcheck level' and it would give you a more detailed listing on that specific ifcheck. I hope this helps =)

Oh, and it's always better to encourage people to reply on the board rather than ICQ; if I had told you this via ICQ, then nobody else would benefit from my answer, which would result in the same questions getting asked over and over again (Nick explained this nuance to me a few times :P) =)
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