Attempts to establish a chat call to another client using the zChat protocol.
Use ChatCall to call using the MudMaster chat protocol.
You specify the TCP/IP address and the port number. If the port number is zero the default chat port of 4050 is used.
Because of the asynchronous nature of TCP/IP a "good" status from this call does not necessarily mean you will establish a chat session, it just means it has succeeded in starting the process.
In order to establish a chat session, MUSHclient must:
1. Look up the name using the Domain Name Server (DNS) unless a dotted-decimal name was given - this may take a few seconds.
2. Connect to the chat server - this may take a few more seconds
3. Attempt to negotiate a chat session by sending "ZCHAT:" to the chat server
4. Await a response - this may take a while if the player at the other end is deciding whether to accept the connection or not.
5. Finally, if all goes well, the chat session is established.
To know if the session was really established you need to use the plugin callback routine "OnPluginChatNewUser" - this notifies you when a new user is established.
Note: Available in version 3.39 onwards.
VBscript example
ChatCallzChat "", 0 ' call on default port
ChatCallzChat "", 4060 ' call on port 4060
ChatCallzChat "", 0 ' call on default port using name
Jscript example
ChatCallzChat ("", 0); // call on default port
ChatCallzChat ("", 4060); // call on port 4060
ChatCallzChat ("", 0); // call on default port using name
PerlScript example
ChatCallzChat ("", 0); # call on default port
ChatCallzChat ("", 4060); # call on port 4060
ChatCallzChat ("", 0); # call on default port using name
Python example
world.ChatCallzChat ("", 0) # call on default port
world.ChatCallzChat ("", 4060) # call on port 4060
world.ChatCallzChat ("", 0) # call on default port using name
Lua example
ChatCallzChat ("") -- call on default port
ChatCallzChat ("", 4060) -- call on port 4060
ChatCallzChat ("") -- call on default port using name
Lua notes
The Port argument is optional. If omitted it defaults to 4050.
eCannotCreateChatSocket: Cannot start call - perhaps all sockets are in use?
eCannotLookupDomainName: Cannot start looking up domain name
eOK: Call process started OK