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MUSHclient script functions

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Function Description Version
Accelerator Add or modify an accelerator key (keystroke to command mapping) 3.53
AcceleratorList List defined accelerators 3.53
AcceleratorTo Add or modify an accelerator key - with "Send To" parameter 4.27
Activate Activates the world window
ActivateClient Activates the main MUSHclient window 3.48
ActivateNotepad Activates a notepad window
AddAlias Adds an alias
AddFont Adds a custom font for use by MUSHclient 4.32
AddMapperComment Adds a comment to the auto-map sequence
AddSpellCheckWord Adds a word to the user spell check dictionary 3.74
AddTimer Adds a timer
AddToMapper Adds a mapping direction to the auto-map sequence
AddTrigger Adds a trigger
AddTriggerEx Adds a trigger - extended arguments 3.18
AdjustColour Adjust an RGB colour 3.41
ANSI Generates an ANSI colour sequence 3.37
AnsiNote Make a note in the output window from text with ANSI colour codes imbedded 3.37
AppendToNotepad Appends text to a notepad window
ArrayClear Clears an array 3.46
ArrayCount Returns the number of arrays 3.46
ArrayCreate Creates an array 3.46
ArrayDelete Deletes an array 3.46
ArrayDeleteKey Deletes a key/value pair from an array 3.46
ArrayExists Tests to see if the specified array exists 3.46
ArrayExport Exports values from an array into a single string 3.46
ArrayExportKeys Exports keys from an array into a single string 3.46
ArrayGet Gets the value of an array item 3.46
ArrayGetFirstKey Gets the key of the first element in the array (if any) 3.46
ArrayGetLastKey Gets the key of the last element in the array (if any) 3.46
ArrayImport Imports values into an array from a single string 3.46
ArrayKeyExists Tests to see if the specified array key exists 3.46
ArrayListAll Gets the list of arrays 3.46
ArrayListKeys Gets the list of all the keys in an array 3.46
ArrayListValues Gets the list of all the values in an array 3.46
ArraySet Sets the value of an array item 3.46
ArraySize Returns the number of elements in a specified array 3.46
Base64Decode Takes a base-64 encoded string and decodes it. 3.22
Base64Encode Encodes a string using base-64 encoding. 3.22
BlendPixel Blends a single pixel with another, using a specified blending mode 4.36
BoldColour Gets/sets the RGB colour for one of the 8 ANSI bold colours
Bookmark Sets of clears a bookmark on the nominated line 4.83
BroadcastPlugin Broadcasts a message to all installed plugins 3.67
CallPlugin Calls a routine in a plugin 3.23
ChangeDir Changes the MUSHclient working directory 3.80
ChatAcceptCalls Accepts incoming chat calls 3.37
ChatCall Calls a chat server (makes an outgoing call) using the MudMaster chat protocol 3.37
ChatCallzChat Calls a zChat chat server (makes an outgoing call) 3.39
ChatDisconnect Disconnects a current chat call 3.37
ChatDisconnectAll Disconnects all current chat calls 3.37
ChatEverybody Sends a chat message to every connected chat user 3.37
ChatGetID Looks up what chat ID (identifier) corresponds to a particular chat name 3.37
ChatGroup Sends a chat message to every connected chat user in the specified group 3.37
ChatID Sends a chat message to a particular chat session 3.37
ChatMessage Sends a message to a chat user (raw format) 3.37
ChatNameChange Changes your chat name 3.37
ChatNote Does a note using ANSI codes for the chat system 3.37
ChatPasteEverybody Pastes the clipboard contents to every connected person 3.37
ChatPasteText Pastes the clipboard contents to that person 3.37
ChatPeekConnections Sends a "peek connections" message to the specified chat user 3.37
ChatPersonal Sends a chat message to a particular person 3.37
ChatPing Sends a ping message to the specified chat user 3.37
ChatRequestConnections Sends a "request connections" message to the specified chat user 3.37
ChatSendFile Starts sending a file to the specified chat user 3.37
ChatStopAcceptingCalls Stops this world from accepting chat calls 3.37
ChatStopFileTransfer Stops a file transfer in progress to that chat user 3.37
CloseLog Closes the log file
CloseNotepad Closes a notepad window 3.29
ColourNameToRGB Converts a named colour to a RGB colour code. 3.22
ColourNote Sends a message to the output window in specified colours 3.23
ColourTell Sends a message to the output window in specified colours - not terminated by a newline 3.23
Connect Connects the world to the MUD server
CreateGUID Creates a GUID - Global Unique Identifier 3.23
CustomColourBackground Sets the RGB value for the background of a custom colour
CustomColourText Sets the RGB value for the text of a custom colour
DatabaseChanges Returns a count of the changes to the database by the most recent SQL statement 4.40
DatabaseClose Closes an SQLite database 4.40
DatabaseColumnName Find the name of a specified column returned by an SQL statement 4.40
DatabaseColumnNames Return a table of all the columns returned by an SQL statement 4.40
DatabaseColumns Find how many columns will be returned by an SQL statement 4.40
DatabaseColumnText Returns the contents of an SQL column, as text 4.40
DatabaseColumnType Returns the type of data in an SQL column 4.40
DatabaseColumnValue Returns the contents of an SQL column, as text, float, integer, or null 4.40
DatabaseColumnValues Returns the contents of all the SQL columns after a step 4.40
DatabaseError Returns an English string describing the most recent SQL error 4.40
DatabaseExec Executes SQL code against an SQLite database 4.40
DatabaseFinalize Finalizes (wraps up) a previously-prepared SQL statement 4.40
DatabaseGetField Returns a single field from an SQL database 4.65
DatabaseInfo Returns information about a database 4.40
DatabaseLastInsertRowid Returns the most recently automatically allocated database key 4.40
DatabaseList Lists all databases 4.40
DatabaseOpen Opens an SQLite database 4.40
DatabasePrepare Prepares an SQL statement for execution 4.40
DatabaseReset Resets a previously-prepared SQL statement to the start 4.40
DatabaseStep Executes a previously-prepared SQL statement 4.40
DatabaseTotalChanges Returns a count of the total changes to the database 4.40
Debug Displays debugging information about the world
DeleteAlias Deletes an alias
DeleteAliasGroup Deletes a group of aliases 3.29
DeleteAllMapItems Deletes the all items from the auto-mapper sequence.
DeleteCommandHistory Deletes command history list.
DeleteGroup Deletes a group of triggers, aliases and timers 3.29
DeleteLastMapItem Deletes the most recently-added item from the auto-mapper sequence.
DeleteLines Clears some recent lines from the output window. 3.76
DeleteOutput Clears all output from the output window.
DeleteTemporaryAliases Deletes all temporary aliases 3.18
DeleteTemporaryTimers Deletes all temporary timers 3.18
DeleteTemporaryTriggers Deletes all temporary triggers 3.18
DeleteTimer Deletes a timer
DeleteTimerGroup Deletes a group of timers 3.29
DeleteTrigger Deletes a trigger
DeleteTriggerGroup Deletes a group of triggers 3.29
DeleteVariable Deletes a variable
DiscardQueue Discards the speed walk queue
Disconnect Disconnects the world from the MUD server
DoAfter Adds a one-shot, temporary timer - simplified interface 3.18
DoAfterNote Adds a one-shot, temporary note timer - simplified interface 3.18
DoAfterSpecial Adds a one-shot, temporary, timer to carry out some special action 3.35
DoAfterSpeedWalk Adds a one-shot, temporary speedwalk timer - simplified interface 3.18
DoCommand Queues a MUSHclient menu command 3.39
EchoInput A flag to indicate whether we are echoing command input to the output window
EditDistance Returns the Levenshtein Edit Distance between two words 3.82
EnableAlias Enables or disables an alias
EnableAliasGroup Enables/disables a group of aliases 3.27
EnableGroup Enables/disables a group of triggers, aliases and timers 3.27
EnableMapping Enables or disables the auto-mapper 3.47
EnablePlugin Enables or disables the specified plugin
EnableTimer Enables or disables an timer
EnableTimerGroup Enables/disables a group of timers 3.27
EnableTrigger Enables or disables a trigger
EnableTriggerGroup Enables/disables a group of triggers 3.27
ErrorDesc Converts a MUSHclient script error code into an human-readable description 3.68
EvaluateSpeedwalk Evaluates a speed walk string
Execute Executes a command as if you had typed it into the command window 3.35
ExportXML Exports a world item in XML format 3.41
FilterPixel Performs a filtering operation on one pixel 4.36
FixupEscapeSequences Converts "escape sequences" like \t to their equivalent codes.
FixupHTML Fixes up text for writing as HTML
FlashIcon Flashes the MUSHclient icon on the Windows taskbar 4.41
FlushLog Flushes the log file to disk 3.82
GenerateName Generates a random character name
GetAlias Gets details about an alias
GetAliasInfo Gets details about an alias
GetAliasList Gets the list of aliases
GetAliasOption Gets the value of a named alias option 3.29
GetAliasWildcard Returns the contents of the specified wildcard for the named alias 3.48
GetAlphaOption Gets the value of an alphanumeric configuration option 3.22
GetAlphaOptionList Gets the list of world alphanumeric options 3.22
GetChatInfo Get information about a chat connection 3.37
GetChatList Gets the list of chat sessions 3.37
GetChatOption Gets the value of a chat session option 3.37
GetClipboard Gets the clipboard contents 3.39
GetCommand Gets the current command in the command window 3.18
GetCommandList Returns some or all commands from the command history 3.18
GetConnectDuration Returns the number of seconds this world has been connected.
GetCurrentValue Gets the current value of a named world option 3.23
GetCustomColourName Gets the name of a custom colour 4.03
GetDefaultValue Gets the default value of a named world option 3.23
GetDeviceCaps Gets screen device capabilities 4.34
GetEntity Retrieves the value of an MXP server-defined entity 3.30
GetFrame Returns the address of the main MUSHclient frame window
GetGlobalOption Gets the value of a global configuration option 4.18
GetGlobalOptionList Gets the list of global options 4.18
GetHostAddress Returns a list of IP addresses that correspond to a host name on the Internet 3.39
GetHostName Returns the host name that corresponds to an IP address on the Internet 3.39
GetInfo Gets information about the current world 3.18
GetInternalCommandsList Returns a list of the internal MUSHclient command names 3.39
GetLineCount Gets count of lines received
GetLineInfo Gets details about a specified line in the output window 3.18
GetLinesInBufferCount Returns the number of lines in the output window 3.18
GetLoadedValue Gets value of a named world option, as loaded from the world file 3.23
GetMainWindowPosition Returns the position and size of the main MUSHclient window 3.56
GetMapColour Returns the mapping for how a particular colour will be displayed 3.54
GetMappingCount Gets a count of the number of items in the auto-map sequence
GetMappingItem Gets one item from the auto-map sequence
GetMappingString Returns the speedwalk string generated by the auto-mapper.
GetNotepadLength Gets the length of the text in a notepad window 3.40
GetNotepadList Gets the list of open notepads - returning their titles 4.08
GetNotepadText Gets the text from a notepad window 3.40
GetNotepadWindowPosition Returns the position and size of the specified notepad window 3.56
GetNotes Gets the world's notes
GetNoteStyle Gets the style for notes 3.42
GetOption Gets value of a named world option
GetOptionList Gets the list of world options
GetPluginAliasInfo Gets details about a named alias for a specified plugin 3.23
GetPluginAliasList Gets the list of aliases in a specified plugin 3.23
GetPluginAliasOption Gets the value of a named alias option for a specified plugin 4.21
GetPluginID Returns the 24-character ID of the current plugin 3.23
GetPluginInfo Gets details about a specified plugin 3.23
GetPluginList Gets a list of installed plugins. 3.23
GetPluginName Returns the name of the current plugin 3.23
GetPluginTimerInfo Gets details about a named timer for a specified plugin 3.23
GetPluginTimerList Gets the list of timers in a specified plugin 3.23
GetPluginTimerOption Gets the value of a named timer option for a specified plugin 4.21
GetPluginTriggerInfo Gets details about a named trigger for a specified plugin 3.23
GetPluginTriggerList Gets the list of triggers in a specified plugin 3.23
GetPluginTriggerOption Gets the value of a named trigger option for a specified plugin 4.21
GetPluginVariable Gets the contents of a variable belonging to a plugin 3.23
GetPluginVariableList Gets the list of variables in a specified plugin 3.23
GetQueue Returns a variant array which is a list of queued commands 3.18
GetReceivedBytes Returns the number of bytes received from the world
GetRecentLines Assembles a block of text from recent MUD output 3.48
GetScriptTime Returns the amount of time spent in script routines
GetSelectionEndColumn Returns the endling column of the selection in the output window 3.18
GetSelectionEndLine Returns the last line of the selection in the output window 3.18
GetSelectionStartColumn Returns the starting column of the selection in the output window 3.18
GetSelectionStartLine Returns the starting line of the selection in the output window 3.18
GetSentBytes Returns the number of bytes sent to the world
GetSoundStatus Gets the status of a sound started by PlaySound 4.28
GetStyleInfo Gets details about a specified style run for a specified line in the output window 3.18
GetSysColor Gets the colour of various windows items 3.56
GetSystemMetrics Returns selected system information from Windows 3.56
GetTimer Gets details about a timer
GetTimerInfo Gets details about a timer
GetTimerList Gets the list of timers
GetTimerOption Gets the value of a named timer option 3.29
GetTrigger Gets details about a named trigger
GetTriggerInfo Gets details about a named trigger
GetTriggerList Gets the list of triggers
GetTriggerOption Gets the value of a named trigger option 3.29
GetTriggerWildcard Returns the contents of the specified wildcard for the named trigger 3.48
GetUdpPort Find a free port for UDP listening 3.66
GetUniqueID Creates a unique ID for general use, or for making Plugin IDs 3.23
GetUniqueNumber Returns a unique number
GetVariable Gets the contents of a variable
GetVariableList Gets the list of variables
GetWorld Gets an object reference to the named world
GetWorldById Gets an object reference to the world given its unique ID 3.39
GetWorldID Returns the 24-character ID of the current world 3.52
GetWorldIdList Gets the list of open worlds - returning their world IDs 3.39
GetWorldList Gets the list of open worlds - returning their world names
GetWorldWindowPosition Returns the position and size of the current world window 3.60
GetWorldWindowPositionX Returns the position and size of a specific world window 3.66
GetXMLEntity Retrieves the value of a standard entity 3.66
Hash Produces a hash (checksum) of a specified piece of text 3.23
Help Shows help for a script function, or a list of functions 3.70
Hyperlink Creates a hyperlink in the output window 3.41
ImportXML Imports configuration data in XML format 3.39
Info Adds text to the "info" tool bar 3.29
InfoBackground Sets the background colour for the info bar 3.29
InfoClear Clears all text from the info bar 3.29
InfoColour Sets the colour of the foreground (text color) for the info bar 3.29
InfoFont Changes the font, font size and style for text on the info bar 3.29
IsAlias Tests to see if an alias exists
IsConnected Tests to see if the world is connected to the MUD server
IsLogOpen Tests to see if a log file is open
IsPluginInstalled Checks to see if a particular plugin is installed 3.23
IsTimer Tests to see if a timer exists
IsTrigger Tests to see if a trigger exists
LoadPlugin Loads a plugin from disk 3.23
LogInput The property of whether commands are logged to the log file
LogNotes The property of whether notes are logged to the log file
LogOutput The property of whether MUD output is logged to the log file
LogSend Sends a message to the MUD and logs it 3.25
MakeRegularExpression Converts wildcard matching text to a regular expression 3.54
MapColour Changes the colour mapping - the way colours are displayed 3.54
MapColourList Returns an array of all the mapped colours 3.54
Mapping A flag to indicate whether we are mapping the world
Menu Creates a pop-up menu inside the command window 4.64
Metaphone Returns the metaphone code for the supplied word 3.81
MoveMainWindow Move and resize the main MUSHclient window 3.54
MoveNotepadWindow Move and resize the specified notepad window 3.54
MoveWorldWindow Move and resize a world window 3.54
MoveWorldWindowX Move and resize a specific world window 3.66
MtRand Returns pseudo-random number using the Mersenne Twister algorithm 3.57
MtSrand Seed the Mersenne Twister pseudo-random number generator 3.57
NormalColour Gets/sets the RGB colour for one of the 8 ANSI normal colours
Note Sends a note to the output window
NoteColour Chooses which custom colour will be used for world notes.
NoteColourBack Chooses which RGB colour will be used for world notes - background colour
NoteColourFore Chooses which RGB colour will be used for world notes - text colour
NoteColourName Chooses which RGB colour name will be used for world notes - text and background
NoteColourRGB Chooses which RGB colour will be used for world notes - text and background
NoteHr Draws a horizontal rule in the output window 3.66
NotepadColour Changes the text and background colour of the selected notepad window 3.57
NotepadFont Changes the font and style of the selected notepad window 3.57
NotepadReadOnly Make a selected notepad window read-only 4.30
NotepadSaveMethod Changes the save method for this notepad window 3.76
NoteStyle Sets the style for notes 3.42
Open Opens a named document
OpenBrowser Opens a supplied URL in your default web browser 3.74
OpenLog Opens a log file.
PasteCommand Pastes text into the command window, replacing the current selection 3.69
Pause Turns pause mode on or off
PickColour Invokes the MUSHclient colour picker dialog 3.22
PlaySound Plays a sound using DirectSound 4.28
PluginSupports Checks if a plugin supports a particular routine 3.23
PushCommand Pushes the current command into the command history list 3.18
Queue Queues a command for sending at the "speed walk" rate.
ReadNamesFile Loads in a file for generating character names
Redraw Schedules a redraw for all windows for this world
ReloadPlugin Reloads an installed plugin 3.50
RemoveBacktracks Removes backtracks from a speed walk string 3.48
RemoveMapReverses A flag to indicate whether we backtracks are removed during mapping
Repaint Forces an immediate redraw for all windows for this world 4.35
Replace Replaces one substring with another
ReplaceNotepad Replaces text in a notepad window
Reset Resets all outstanding MXP/Pueblo tags
ResetIP Resets the cached IP address of the world and proxy server 3.73
ResetStatusTime Resets the time elapsed shown on the status bar 3.46
ResetTimer Resets a named timer
ResetTimers Resets all timers
ReverseSpeedwalk Reverses a speed walk string
RGBColourToName Converts an RGB colour code to its equivalent name 3.22
Save Saves world configuration.
SaveNotepad Saves a notepad window to disk 3.29
SaveState Saves the state of the current plugin
SelectCommand Selects (highlights) the current command in the command window 3.18
Send Sends a message to the MUD
SendImmediate Sends a message to the MUD immediately, bypassing the speedwalk queue 3.41
SendNoEcho Sends a message to the MUD without echoing in the output window 3.41
SendPkt Sends a low-level packet of data to the MUD 3.81
SendPush Sends a message to the MUD and saves it in the command history buffer 3.27
SendSpecial Sends a message to the MUD with various options 4.14
SendToNotepad Creates a notepad and sends text to it
SetAliasOption Sets the value of a named alias option 3.29
SetAlphaOption Sets value of a named world alphanumeric option 3.22
SetBackgroundColour Sets a background colour for the output window 4.35
SetBackgroundImage Sets a background image for the output window 4.35
SetChanged Sets or clears the "document has changed" flag 3.60
SetChatOption Sets the value of a chat session option 3.37
SetClipboard Sets the clipboard contents 3.66
SetCommand Sends text to the command window
SetCommandSelection Selects specified columns in the command window 4.38
SetCommandWindowHeight Set the height of the command (input) window 4.28
SetCursor Changes the shape of the mouse cursor 4.40
SetCustomColourName Sets the name of a custom colour 4.03
SetEntity Sets the value of an MXP entity 3.66
SetForegroundImage Sets a foreground image for the output window 4.35
SetFrameBackgroundColour Sets the background colour of the overall MUSHclient frame 5.07
SetInputFont Sets the font for the input window
SetMainTitle Sets the main output window title 4.87
SetNotes Sets the notes for the world.
SetOption Sets value of a named world option
SetOutputFont Sets the font for the output window.
SetScroll Sets the scroll bar position, and hides or shows it 4.60
SetSelection Sets a selection range in the output window 5.07
SetStatus Sets the status line text
SetTimerOption Sets the value of a named timer option 3.29
SetTitle Sets the world window title 4.87
SetToolBarPosition Sets the position of the game toolbars on the screen. 4.29
SetTriggerOption Sets the value of a named trigger option 3.29
SetUnseenLines Sets the number of "unseen lines" for this world 5.06
SetVariable Sets the value of a variable
SetWorldWindowStatus Changes the status of the current world window 4.60
ShiftTabCompleteItem Adds an item to the list shown for Shift+Tab completion 4.30
ShowInfoBar Shows or hides the "info" tool bar 3.29
Simulate Simulate input from the MUD, for debugging purposes 3.73
Sound Plays a sound
SpeedWalkDelay The number of milliseconds delay between speed walk commands
SpellCheck Spell checks an arbitrary string of text 3.54
SpellCheckCommand Spell checks the text in the command window 3.54
SpellCheckDlg Spell checks an arbitrary string of text, invloking the spell-checker dialog 3.85
StopEvaluatingTriggers Stops trigger evaluation 4.89
StopSound Stop playing a sound started by PlaySound 4.28
StripANSI Strips ANSI colour sequences from a string 3.37
Tell Sends a message to the output window - not terminated by a newline
TextRectangle Specifies the size of the rectangle in which text is displayed in the output window. 4.35
Trace Trace mode property
TraceOut Outputs the supplied message to the world Trace 3.68
TranslateDebug Sends a debugging message to the localizing translator script 4.12
TranslateGerman Translate German umluat sequences 3.50
Transparency Sets the transparency of the main MUSHclient window under Windows XP 3.83
Trim Trims leading and trailing spaces from a string
UdpListen Listens for incoming packets using the UDP protocol 3.56
UdpPortList Returns an array of all the UDP ports in use by this world 3.60
UdpSend Sends a packet over the network using the UDP protocol 3.56
UnloadPlugin Unloads an installed plugin 4.73
Version Gets the MUSHclient version string.
WindowAddHotspot Adds a hotspot to a miniwindow 4.34
WindowArc Draws an arc in a miniwindow 4.34
WindowBezier Draws a Bézier curve in a miniwindow 4.34
WindowBlendImage Blends an image into a miniwindow, using a specified blending mode 4.35
WindowCircleOp Draws ellipses, filled rectangles, round rectangles, chords, pies in a miniwindow 4.34
WindowCreate Creates a miniwindow 4.34
WindowCreateImage Creates an image in a miniwindow 4.34
WindowDelete Deletes a miniwindow 4.37
WindowDeleteAllHotspots Deletes all hotspots from a miniwindow 4.34
WindowDeleteHotspot Deletes a hotspot from a miniwindow 4.34
WindowDragHandler Adds a drag handler to a miniwindow hotspot 4.40
WindowDrawImage Draws an image into a miniwindow 4.34
WindowDrawImageAlpha Draws an image into a miniwindow respecting the alpha channel 4.42
WindowFilter Performs a filtering operation over part of the miniwindow. 4.35
WindowFont Loads a font into a miniwindow 4.34
WindowFontInfo Returns information about a font 4.34
WindowFontList Lists all fonts loaded into a miniwindow 4.34
WindowGetImageAlpha Draws the alpha channel of an image into a miniwindow 4.52
WindowGetPixel Gets the colour of a single pixel in a miniwindow 4.36
WindowGradient Draws a gradient in a rectangle 4.35
WindowHotspotInfo Returns information about a hotspot 4.34
WindowHotspotList Lists all hotspots installed into a miniwindow 4.34
WindowHotspotTooltip Changes the tooltip text for a hotspot in a miniwindow 4.41
WindowImageFromWindow Creates an image from another miniwindow 4.35
WindowImageInfo Returns information about an image 4.34
WindowImageList Lists all images installed into a miniwindow 4.34
WindowImageOp Draws an ellipse, rectangle or round rectangle, filled with an image 4.34
WindowInfo Returns information about a miniwindow 4.34
WindowLine Draws a line in a miniwindow 4.34
WindowList Lists all miniwindows 4.34
WindowLoadImage Loads an image into a miniwindow from a disk file 4.34
WindowMenu Creates a pop-up menu inside a miniwindow 4.37
WindowMergeImageAlpha Merges an image into a miniwindow based on an alpha mask 4.36
WindowMoveHotspot Moves a hotspot in a miniwindow 4.58
WindowPolygon Draws a polygon in a miniwindow 4.34
WindowPosition Moves a miniwindow 4.34
WindowRectOp Draws a rectangle in a miniwindow 4.34
WindowResize Resizes a miniwindow 4.58
WindowScrollwheelHandler Adds a scroll-wheel handler to a miniwindow hotspot 4.52
WindowSetPixel Sets a single pixel in a miniwindow to the specified colour 4.36
WindowSetZOrder Sets the Z-Order for a miniwindow 4.73
WindowShow Shows or hides a miniwindow 4.34
WindowText Draws text into a miniwindow 4.34
WindowTextWidth Calculates the width of text in a miniwindow 4.34
WindowTransformImage Draws an image into a miniwindow with optional rotation, scaling, reflection and shearing 4.59
WindowWrite Writes the contents of a miniwindow to disk as a graphics file 4.36
WorldAddress Returns the TCP/IP address of the current world.
WorldName Gets the world's name
WorldPort Returns the port number of the current world.
WriteLog Writes to the log file

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