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MUSHclient scripting

Description of MUSHclient world function: world.ChatPasteEverybody

Name ChatPasteEverybody
Type Method
Summary Pastes the clipboard contents to every connected person
Prototype long ChatPasteEverybody();

This pastes the clipboard contents to everybody (who you are not ignoring).

The clipboard must contain text - if it does the entire contents will be pasted to that everybody (as an "everybody" chat message, so it will work with other clients), and echoed on your output window as well.

You could use that to exchange aliases, triggers, messages from the screen, and so on.

Note: Available in version 3.37 onwards.

VBscript example
Jscript example
ChatPasteEverybody ();
PerlScript example
ChatPasteEverybody ();
Python example
Lua example
ChatPasteEverybody ()
Returns eNoChatConnections: No chat connetions found
eClipboardEmpty: No text on the clipboard
eOK: Sent OK
Introduced in version 3.37

See also ...

Function Description
ChatEverybody Sends a chat message to every connected chat user
ChatGetID Looks up what chat ID (identifier) corresponds to a particular chat name
ChatGroup Sends a chat message to every connected chat user in the specified group
ChatID Sends a chat message to a particular chat session
ChatPasteText Pastes the clipboard contents to that person
ChatPersonal Sends a chat message to a particular person
GetChatList Gets the list of chat sessions

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