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MUSHclient scripting

Description of MUSHclient world function: world.MapColourList

Name MapColourList
Type Method
Summary Returns an array of all the mapped colours
Prototype VARIANT MapColourList();

Returns a variant array of all the colours that have been mapped for this world. eg.

black = red
blue = gold

Note: Available in version 3.54 onwards.

VBscript example
dim mapList

mapList= world.MapColourList

If Not IsEmpty (mapList) Then
  For Each v In mapList
    world.note v 

End If
Lua example
-- show all colours and their values (RGB values)

for k, v in pairs (MapColourList()) do 
  Note (k, " = ", v) 
Lua notes
Under Lua this function returns a table of all mapped colours and their values, 
keyed by the RGB colour code.

Thus you can directly access colours from the table, like this:

-- show value for colour 255...

print (MapColourList() [255])

Note that since this will return only colours in the table, if the colour doesn't exist in the mapping table, you will get nil from this example.
Returns If there are no colours mapped then the return value is empty. Use "IsEmpty" to test for this possibility.

Otherwise, it returns a variant array containing the source and destination colours with an " = " symbol between them.

However for Lua, it returns a table where the key is the original colour and the value is the replacement colour.

Use "lbound" and "ubound" to find the bounds of the array of variables (ie. the number of colours in the list).
Introduced in version 3.54

See also ...

Function Description
ColourNameToRGB Converts a named colour to a RGB colour code.
GetMapColour Returns the mapping for how a particular colour will be displayed
RGBColourToName Converts an RGB colour code to its equivalent name

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