This function lets you change the shape of the cursor during a hotspot drag operation.
The argument a number which indicates what shape the mouse pointer is to take, as follows:
-1: no cursor
0: arrow
1: hand
2: I-beam
3: + symbol
4: wait (hour-glass)
5: up arrow
6: arrow nw-se
7: arrow ne-sw
8: arrow e-w
9: arrow n-s
10: arrow - all ways
11: (X) cannot do action
12: help (? symbol)
This operation is only effective when the mouse is "captured" - basically after a mouse-down but before the corresponding mouse-up. Otherwise the cursor is likely to be promptly restored by MUSHclient's cursor management code, for example to an I-beam cursor if it moves over text, or to the designated cursor if it moves over miniwindow hotspots.
Cursor shape -1 (no cursor) added in version 4.45.
Note: Available in version 4.40 onwards.
Lua example
SetCursor (11) -- make an X cursor
Lua notes
You can use the following constants for the cursor:
miniwin.cursor_none = -1
miniwin.cursor_arrow = 0
miniwin.cursor_hand = 1
miniwin.cursor_ibeam = 2
miniwin.cursor_plus = 3
miniwin.cursor_wait = 4
miniwin.cursor_up = 5
miniwin.cursor_nw_se_arrow = 6
miniwin.cursor_ne_sw_arrow = 7
miniwin.cursor_ew_arrow = 8
miniwin.cursor_ns_arrow = 9
miniwin.cursor_both_arrow = 10
miniwin.cursor_x = 11
miniwin.cursor_help = 12
eBadParameter - cursor value is not in the list above
eOK - completed OK