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MUSHclient scripting

Description of MUSHclient world function: world.Sound

Name Sound
Type Method
Summary Plays a sound
Prototype long Sound(BSTR SoundFileName);

This plays the specified sound file, allowing you to add sound-effects to your world.

Also see PlaySound which lets you play multiple sound files at once.

The sound file should have the properties:

* "Wave" file (ie. ending in .wav)
* Audio sample size: 16 bit
* Channels: 2
* Audio sample rate: 22 kHz
* Audio format: PCM

You can use programs like Audacity (which is free) to convert sound files from one format to another.

VBscript example
Sound "ding.wav"
Jscript example
PerlScript example
Python example
Lua example
Sound ("ding.wav")
Returns eNoNameSpecified: no sound file name given
eCannotPlaySound: cannot play that file
eOK: completed OK

See also ...

Function Description
GetSoundStatus Gets the status of a sound started by PlaySound
PlaySound Plays a sound using DirectSound
StopSound Stop playing a sound started by PlaySound

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