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MUSHclient scripting

Description of MUSHclient world function: world.WriteLog

Name WriteLog
Type Method
Summary Writes to the log file
Prototype long WriteLog(BSTR Message);

This writes a message to the log file.

A "newline" is appended to the line if there is not already one there.

You can also use "LogSend" to send a message to the MUD, and log it, in a single function.

The data in the log file may not appear immediately if you view it in another application. To force the data to disk use the FlushLog function.

VBscript example
world.writelog "--- Message for the log file ---"
Jscript example
world.WriteLog("--- Message for the log file ---");
PerlScript example
$world->WriteLog("--- Message for the log file ---");
Python example
world.WriteLog("--- Message for the log file ---")
Lua example
WriteLog("--- Message for the log file ---")
Lua notes
You can supply multiple arguments, which are concatenated together.
Returns eOK: written OK
eLogFileBadWrite: unable to write to the log file
eLogFileNotOpen: log file was not open

See also ...

Function Description
CloseLog Closes the log file
FlushLog Flushes the log file to disk
IsLogOpen Tests to see if a log file is open
LogSend Sends a message to the MUD and logs it
OpenLog Opens a log file.

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