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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ Plugins ➜ Achaea's built-in map system.

Achaea's built-in map system.

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Posted by Windmill_Man   USA  (29 posts)  Bio
Date Mon 05 Apr 2010 07:10 AM (UTC)
This is my first post. I'm not experienced with MUD clients... but MUSHclient seems really nice. I think you've done a great job, Nick.

I'm sure every Achaean here knows of the map system Iron Realms has implemented into Achaea (and most likely all their other games as well). I was wondering if it were possible to make a miniwindow to show the output of the MAP command and have it update every time you move. I would think it would be simple... but I don't know the first thing about making plugins...

I realize the built-in map system isn't as powerful as the new ATCP Mapper Nick made, but I think it would still be cool.

I'm sorry if there's an answer to this question somewhere, I DID search for one and didn't find an answer.

Posted by Twisol   USA  (2,257 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #1 on Mon 05 Apr 2010 09:09 AM (UTC)
I did in fact write exactly this. :)

You'll need both the ATCP plugin and the MapWindow plugin; both go in your plugins/ directory. Enable both while you're disconnected, and make sure you have "Convert IAC EOR/GA to newline" checked in Game -> Configure -> Output.

It can get a little temperamental sometimes. If your output stops updating, try hitting MAP PARSE a few times to make sure it didn't get stuck gagging everything. There's a MAP HELP alias listing a few useful aliases, also. MAP MOVE <x> <y> lets you move the map around onscreen, for instance, where 0 0 would be the top-left corner.

'Soludra' on Achaea


Posted by Windmill_Man   USA  (29 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #2 on Mon 05 Apr 2010 06:22 PM (UTC)
That's neat. I thought it would be simple... but there's a lot of files associated to the main plugin file. Never the less... thank you.

Hmm... there's seems to be an error though. If I type MAP MOVE 10 20, it actually moves to 20 20. It seems like the first number means nothing. It bases both variables off the second number.

Also... what's the difference between your ATCP plugin and Nick's ATCP plugin? And can the be loaded together without problems? The experience bar and the stat bar he made for Achaea install his plugin automatically....

I like the other plugins on your site. I would like to stick with the bars Nick made though. The wood-like graphics on the compass and stat bar look out of place without the whole frame Nexus has.

Posted by Twisol   USA  (2,257 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #3 on Mon 05 Apr 2010 06:58 PM (UTC)
They're not really that complex, I just split the files up because it's easier to work that way. It's a more structured paradigm, which I posted about a few months back. The plugin.xml file is just a header of sorts, a metadata file, and it <include>s a Plugger library I wrote that sets up paths and such for this structure. It then runs scripts/main.lua. I also have a Reflex library that lets you define aliases, triggers, and timers in pure Lua. So it's more of a framework, but I really like working with it that way.

I'll look into that bug, thanks...

The two ATCP plugins *should* work fine together. The difference is mostly that mine supports a library called PPI (a lesser version of which is included with MUSHclient). My PPI specifically supports registering function callbacks across plugin boundaries, so plugins that want to use ATCP just call atcp.Listen("message name", callback), and that callback is called when the "message name" message is received.

Thanks! The compass/gauges were actually written by Trevize (fadedparadox on these forums), and passed along to me. Dusty made the images.

'Soludra' on Achaea


Posted by Windmill_Man   USA  (29 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #4 on Mon 05 Apr 2010 07:04 PM (UTC)

Amended on Mon 05 Apr 2010 07:09 PM (UTC) by Windmill_Man

Well. The bug isn't really affecting me now. Since I removed the compass and stat bar... I could put the map window at 0 0 position without it covering anything.

I'm liking this plugin a lot! I love the map system... but typing MAP all the time gets tedious and bothersome. I figure with this plugin... I won't need the compass. The compass' only real use to me is to give me a visual of the available exits.

The two ATCP plugins seem to be running fine together. Can't say I am having any issues.

Now for the process of moving my reflexes from Nexus over. I tried to import them from the XML file Nexus can make... it didn't work though... damn...

Posted by Twisol   USA  (2,257 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #5 on Mon 05 Apr 2010 07:07 PM (UTC)

Amended on Mon 05 Apr 2010 07:08 PM (UTC) by Twisol

Windmill_Man said:
Now for the process of moving my reflexes from Nexus over. I tried to import them from the XML file Nexus can make... it didn't work though... damn...

Yeah, Nexus and MUSHclient (and Mudlet for that matter) use completely incompatible XML structures. Not to mention, Nexus uses totally different scripts and totally different pattern matching. By hand is just about the easiest way. :(

By the way, I found the bug. I was using y,y instead of x,y, just as you noted. Fixed and about to upload a new version.

Windmill_Man said:
I'm liking this plugin a lot! I love the map system... but typing MAP all the time gets tedious and bothersome. I figure with this plugin... I won't need the compass. The compass' only real use to me is to give me a visual of the available exits.

Glad you like it. :) It doesn't work anywhere there's no MAP output, but that's somewhat to be expected.

'Soludra' on Achaea


Posted by Windmill_Man   USA  (29 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #6 on Mon 05 Apr 2010 07:11 PM (UTC)

Amended on Mon 05 Apr 2010 07:15 PM (UTC) by Windmill_Man

I suppose I'll redownload it then. Never been a bug tester before. ;)

One thing about doing it by hand... it looks a lot more complicated than Nexus...

Posted by Twisol   USA  (2,257 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #7 on Mon 05 Apr 2010 07:13 PM (UTC)
Windmill_Man said:
I suppose I'll redownload it then. Never been a bug tester before. ;)

Not quite up yet, having some file permissions problems. I'll edit when done :)

EDIT: Done.

'Soludra' on Achaea


Posted by Windmill_Man   USA  (29 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #8 on Mon 05 Apr 2010 07:16 PM (UTC)

Amended on Mon 05 Apr 2010 09:46 PM (UTC) by Windmill_Man

Cool. I really don't need it right now. I just figure I might as well have the working version. :P

EDIT: Yep. It works.

Posted by Windmill_Man   USA  (29 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #9 on Tue 06 Apr 2010 03:28 AM (UTC)
I just colored the outer wood-like region of the compass (the area around the actual compass dial) black. Now it blends in perfectly with MUSHclient's "theme".

Worked for the gauges too. Cool...

Posted by Windmill_Man   USA  (29 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #10 on Fri 09 Apr 2010 01:21 PM (UTC)

Twisol, you said the map window plugin could be temperamental at times... I haven't had a problem with it until now. Now it won't stop gagging everything. At first I thought it was just heavy lag from the MUD itself, then I realized it wasn't. There was something wrong with MUSHclient. I also use the roomname plugin that is on the same site the map plugin is, that, and the compass both still react when I try to move. So, it's not MUSHclient crashing... it's the output being totally gagged. MAP PARSE isn't doing anything either. I don't understand why it's happening though... it was working great before.

Posted by Twisol   USA  (2,257 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #11 on Fri 09 Apr 2010 07:40 PM (UTC)
Yeah. I warned you. =/ I've frozen development on it in light of Nick's new mapper - although it's not like it was particularly active before then either.

Here are a few things to try:

* Reinstall the plugin: File -> Plugins, click MapWindow, then Reinstall. Probably will only delay the inevitable.

* Go to Game -> Configure -> Output. Make sure the "Convert IAC EOR/GA to newline" checkbox at the bottom is checked.

* Post your prompt here. You might have a configuration I haven't accounted for, like the CONFIG PROMPT TEXT version. If it misses the prompt match, it could very easily gag everything.

'Soludra' on Achaea


Posted by Windmill_Man   USA  (29 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #12 on Fri 09 Apr 2010 10:21 PM (UTC)
Reinstalling doesn't do much. It just does the same thing atfer it's installed.

Yes, I have that checked.

Mine is just the COMFIG PROMPT ALL:

1500h, 1500m, 6400e, 6400w ex-

I just don't understand why I'm having problems NOW. I've been using it for a while now with no problems at all. Now can't do ANYTHING with it without having problems. I've tried removing plugins/triggers that I've recently installed/made and it's still not working.

The mapper module Nick made is fine and all... I just don't like it that rooms can overlap and for some reason the whole world is 'area 0'. I have to use what I have to use though... I've been too pampered by the map to do without one! It's tiring to walk around blind...


Posted by Nick Gammon   Australia  (23,133 posts)  Bio   Forum Administrator
Date Reply #13 on Fri 09 Apr 2010 11:23 PM (UTC)
You must have a plugin that is doing one of those "omit everything from output until X arrives" and X never arrives.

Turn off other plugins first. I don't think the Achaea mapper has any of those sorts of triggers in it.

- Nick Gammon,

Posted by Twisol   USA  (2,257 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #14 on Fri 09 Apr 2010 11:28 PM (UTC)
Hmmmm. Have you added any other plugins recently, perhaps? And I assume that if you disable the map plugin, everything goes back to normal?

I've tried everything that's been the problem in the past. And my copy works fine. Something's not right... =/

'Soludra' on Achaea


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