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➜ MUSHclient
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➜ trying to change over my root counter from cmud to mush
trying to change over my root counter from cmud to mush
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Posted by
| Dragonlord
(24 posts) Bio
| Fri 26 Feb 2016 10:05 PM (UTC) |
| #class {Maleficarum Counter}
TotalRoots is a variable and %d is the total amount of roots I am carrying at my rootbags, and trunks.
The triggers are for after battles and scatters roots that gathered.
The #ST is my status bar display
At this moment I have 3 trunks and 2 rootbag, and the way I have to do the put roots into the containers are like so
put all.malef seven
put all.malef
put all.malef trunk
put all.malef 2.trunk
put all.malef 3.trunk
in cmud I was able to
#VAR TotalRoots %d
#TRIGGER {You take (%d) of a maleficarum root from the corpse} {#AD TotalRoots %d}
#TRIGGER {You take a maleficarum root from the corpse};#AD TotalRoots 1
#TRIGGER {A gnarled and blackened root is on the ground.};#AD TotalRoots 1
#ST {Roots gathered: @TotalRoots}
#Class 0
any help would be vary helper
thanks | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #1 on Sat 27 Feb 2016 12:20 AM (UTC) |
| To get you started, here is one of the triggers converted:
match="A gnarled and blackened root is on the ground."
SetVariable ("TotalRoots", (tonumber (GetVariable ("TotalRoots")) or 0) + 1)
SetStatus ("Roots gathered: ", GetVariable ("TotalRoots"))
For advice on how to copy the above, and paste it into MUSHclient, please see Pasting XML.
GetVariable ("TotalRoots") gets you the variable contents. Since that is a string, to add to it you need to convert it to a number with tonumber.
The very first time, when the variable doesn't exist yet, you will get nil. Saying "or 0" substitutes zero in that case.
Then we add 1 to it, and put the result back into "TotalRoots". |
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
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It is now over 60 days since the last post. This thread is closed.
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