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 Entire forum ➜ MUSHclient ➜ General ➜ auto copying data from mud

auto copying data from mud

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Posted by Craven   (1 post)  Bio
Date Sat 07 Apr 2007 01:33 PM (UTC)
OK i am not to good at this stuff but i will try to explain what i want as to be easy enough. On the mud i play you can id eq. What i want is a way to copy the info the mud sends on the id so it copys it'self to a notepad so it can be databased for easy access. Here is what you see when id'ing eq.

Object 'Denkar's Sword of Power' is a weapon, with wear location: wield
Special properties: loyal magic bless antimage antithief anticleric metal antidjinn antipsi
Its weight is 6, value is 1250000, and level is 47.
Damage is 54 to 162 (average 108).
Weapon Type: Long Blade
Affects hp by 200.
Affects damage roll by 17.
Affects hit roll by 17.
Affects mana by -100.
Affects parry by 5.
Affects strength by 2.
Affects constitution by 1.
Affects save vs paralysis by -8.
Affects Resistant to magic by 15.

any help would be greatly welcomed.

Posted by Shaun Biggs   USA  (644 posts)  Bio
Date Reply #1 on Sat 07 Apr 2007 06:48 PM (UTC)
I just went over a slightly similar situation in this thread:

Basically, you want to have an alias turn on the object id script and send the id spell/skill to the mud. Then have a catch trigger to match anything that wouldn't normally be in an identify output fire on a sequence right after the id triggers. I personally would give the id triggers a 10, and the * an 11. Have the catch trigger turn off all the triggers in the id group (including itself) so that your script won't turn the notepad into another log file.

Just send the whole line to the notepad with the AppendToNotepad function. The catch function should also put in a blank line or two so you can more easily see the split between items.

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