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➜ MUSHclient
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➜ Nested Tables Referencing Externally
Nested Tables Referencing Externally
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Posted by
| Myrilith
(5 posts) Bio
| Thu 22 May 2008 08:31 PM (UTC) Amended on Thu 22 May 2008 08:45 PM (UTC) by Myrilith
| I've hunted around to see if I could find this anywhere else, but without any luck. Hopefully y'all can help me out -- I can't figure out how to reference a table external to a function from within that function. Here's what I mean:
I have a Defenses table set up, with sub-tables of defense names, and each of these subtables contains information like the text to set it and the balance that's required. For example:
Defenses = {
secondsight = {
settext = {"psi super secondsight",},
balreq = {"sup_av",},
nightsight = {
settext = {"nightsight",},
balreq = {"base_av",},
Then I have another table, changed dynamically according to which defenses I want to set. So, for example, if I wanted to set my two test defenses, it would look like this:
deflist = {"nightsight","secondsight"}
And finally, I have a function that is designed to check to see if each defense is already set, and to set it if I have the appropriate balance. If not, then I make a one-shot trigger (incidentally, would it be better to have a static trigger that is enabled/disabled appropriately? I wasn't sure) to set the defense when I regain the balance. The problem is... I don't know how to reference the information contained in my external Defenses table. Here's how it looks:
function defset (name,output,wildcards)
for index,defname in pairs (deflist) do
if GetVariable("def_" .. defname) == 1 then
Note ("Defense Set: " .. defname)
else if GetVariable(Defenses.defname.balreq) ~= nil then
Send (Defenses.defname.settext)
Note (defname)
-- Need Trigger Function!
I've tried every combination I can think of in place of the "Defenses.defname.balreq" code, but I can only get it to reference the deflist table, not the Defenses table. How do I reference that external table from within the function?? | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #1 on Thu 22 May 2008 09:24 PM (UTC) |
| You seem to be confused here:
The table Defenses is a Lua variable, not a MUSHclient variable, thus you don't use GetVariable to access it. See and scroll down to the part titled "Using variables".
This script snippet shows how you could access your Defenses table, based on a loop of your deflist table, like you did:
Defenses = {
secondsight = {
settext = {"psi super secondsight",},
balreq = {"sup_av",},
nightsight = {
settext = {"nightsight",},
balreq = {"base_av",},
deflist = {"nightsight","secondsight"}
for index,defname in pairs (deflist) do
print ("defname = " , defname,
"balreq = ", Defenses [defname] . balreq [1])
end -- for
defname = nightsight balreq = base_av
defname = secondsight balreq = sup_av
Note that I did not use GetVariable at all, and you need to be careful when indexing nested tables. Something like this:
... access the table "Defenses", looks for a key called "defname", and inside that looks for a key called "balreq".
In your case defname is a variable, not literally "defname" so you put the variable into square brackets.
Also I had to throw in [1] at the end because you used tables for things like settext, where I am not sure you need to. Basically you only need tables if you want more than one thing. Why not:
Defenses = {
secondsight = {
settext = "psi super secondsight",
balreq = "sup_av",
nightsight = {
settext = "nightsight",
balreq = "base_av",
The "bottom level" of your table is just strings isn't it? You don't need yet more tables.
- Nick Gammon, | Top |
Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| Reply #2 on Thu 22 May 2008 09:58 PM (UTC) |
| |
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