Posted by
| Nick Gammon
Australia (23,133 posts) Bio
Forum Administrator |
| I have had a query about whether the Lua modules utils, bc, and bit can be made available outside MUSHclient.
- The bc (big number) library is available here (51 Kb):
That was the original library developed by Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo from the Lua developers. I simply turned it into a DLL, and then later incorporated it into MUSHclient.
- The bit library was based on bitlib by Reuben Thomas, see:
Specifically Release 20: (2 Kb)
Later versions seem to have taken a big jump in file size, however the small one is the one used in MUSHclient.
- The utils library is a concoction of various useful things I developed, or adapted from other sources. Since the source for MUSHclient is publicly available, you could download that and find the relevant parts.
The source is available at:
A slightly earlier version is here:
I don't think the Lua functions have changed much since then.
Specifically, the file lua_compress.c implements: compress, decompress, hash, sha256, md5, tohex, fromhex, base64encode, base64decode, readdir, and split.
The file lua_utils.cpp implements: msgbox, umsgbox, inputbox, editbox, choose, listbox, multilistbox, xmlread, functionlist, filepicker, metaphone, info, spellcheckdialog, edit_distance, utf8encode, utf8decode, utf8valid, utf8sub, appendtonotepad, and activatenotepad.
Some of those utilities require some of the other files in the MUSHclient source, you would need to try them to see what is required.
- Nick Gammon, | Top |